I have a query that contains COALESCE in the select list. If I change the order by clause of the query I get a different number of results.
-- 225 rows - with order by desc
select coalesce(tdo.orderId, -1) , o.*
FROM dbo.[Order] o
JOIN dbo.TradeDeskOrder tdo ON o.orderId = tdo.orderId
join dbo.CodeValues cv1 ON o.[type] = cv1.iCodeValue
AND cv1.vchCodeType = 'Order.Type' AND cv1.vchSource = 'Trading.UI'
JOIN dbo.TradeCentralAccounts am ON o.iCfnAccountId = am.id
JOIN dbo.TradeCentralProducts pm ON o.iProductID = pm.iProductID
order by o.orderid desc
-- 233 rows - order by
select coalesce(tdo.orderId, -1) , o.*
FROM dbo.[Order] o
JOIN dbo.TradeDeskOrder tdo ON o.orderId = tdo.orderId
join dbo.CodeValues cv1 ON o.[type] = cv1.iCodeValue
AND cv1.vchCodeType = 'Order.Type' AND cv1.vchSource = 'Trading.UI'
JOIN dbo.TradeCentralAccounts am ON o.iCfnAccountId = am.id
JOIN dbo.TradeCentralProducts pm ON o.iProductID = pm.iProductID
order by o.orderid
If I remove the coalesce from the select list I get 233 rows regardless of sort order. Is this a bug? I'm using SQL 2014 SP2-CU13.
select @@version;