I have a big table of vendor-supplied data (that I can't change around much) with about 315 columns. I suspect that many of the columns are not being used (or at least not consistently).

I'd like a query that can give me the count per column of the values in the table.

For example

    ( null   , 'xyz'  , 'pdq'  , null ),
    ( 'abc'  , 'def'  , 'ghj'  , null ),
    ( 'hsh'  , 'fff'  , 'oko'  , null );

So this would give results something like:

Col1 | 2
Col2 | 3
Col3 | 3
Col4 | 0

EDIT: to clarify, I know I can just use COUNT but I'm hoping for a way to loop over possibly a query to the system table first to avoid having to hand code 315 count statements. Thanks!

Something like

FOR column_names IN SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns WHERE 
table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'vendor'
 RAISE NOTICE 'doing %s', quote_ident(column_names.column_name);
 SELECT count(column_names.column_name) from vendor      
  • what if in the third row, col1, had abc? Commented Sep 27, 2019 at 0:37

3 Answers 3


Given this data:

create table t (Col1 text, Col2 text, Col3 text, Col4 text);
insert into t values
(null, 'xyz', 'pdq', null),
('abc', 'def', 'ghj', null),
('hsh', 'fff', 'oko',null);

You can use this block of code:

  cols text;


    cols := string_agg('count(' || column_name::text || ') '  || column_name::text, ',')
    from (select column_name 
          from information_schema.columns
          where table_name = 't') c;

  execute format('create temp table counter as select %s from t;', cols);


select * from counter;

col1 | col2 | col3 | col4
---: | ---: | ---: | ---:
   2 |    3 |    3 |    0

db<>fiddle here

  • thanks-- please see my edit above-- is there a way to do this dynamically without hard coding 315 column names?
    – user101289
    Commented Sep 26, 2019 at 20:59

You can get the first part of that done easily like this,

        E'SELECT %s\nFROM %I.%I.%I;' -- query template
        , string_agg(  -- generate the select list for query template
                FORMAT('count(DISTINCT %I) AS %I', column_name, column_name)
                , E',\n\t'
        table_catalog, -- not strictly required, but future safe
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'foo'
GROUP BY table_catalog, table_schema, table_name; 

This will return a query like this,

SELECT count(DISTINCT column1) AS column1,
        count(DISTINCT column2) AS column2,
        count(DISTINCT column3) AS column3,
        count(DISTINCT column4) AS column4
FROM ecarroll.public.foo;

Which is pretty much what you want, except you need to pivot it.

 column1 | column2 | column3 | column4 
       2 |       3 |       3 |       0

To do that pivot, we can use unnest(ARRAY[cols]) AS col_name, so we essentially have to generate

  • dynamic SQL to do the count()
  • wrap that with more dynamic sql to do the pivot.

Like this,

        SELECT ordinality AS column_number, distinct_values -- the col#, and count
        FROM (
                SELECT %s      -- This was the query we
                FROM %I.%I.%I  -- used previously
        ) AS t
        CROSS JOIN unnest(ARRAY[%s]) WITH ORDINALITY -- Here we use unnest(array)
                AS distinct_values;                  -- to pivot the table
                FORMAT('count(DISTINCT %I) AS %I', column_name, column_name)
                , E',\n\t'
        string_agg(column_name, ', ')
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = 'foo'
GROUP BY table_catalog, table_schema, table_name;

That returns a query like this..

    SELECT ordinality AS column_number, distinct_values
    FROM (
            SELECT count(DISTINCT column1) AS column1,
    count(DISTINCT column2) AS column2,
    count(DISTINCT column3) AS column3,
    count(DISTINCT column4) AS column4
            FROM ecarroll.public.foo
    ) AS t
    CROSS JOIN unnest(ARRAY[column1, column2, column3, column4]) WITH ORDINALITY
            AS distinct_values;

And you can just run \gexec and you'll get,

 column_number | distinct_values 
             1 |               2
             2 |               3
             3 |               3
             4 |               0

If you are ok with statistics instead of exact numbers, you can use the pg_stats system view.

SELECT attname, null_frac, n_distinct FROM pg_stats WHERE tablename = 'yourtable';

If you join with pg_class, you can get approximate row counts too.

  • I've tried to use pg_class and query planner output to estimate counts on DISTINCT with poor results. I've run ANALYZE, but it didn't help. Is this just me? Commented Sep 27, 2019 at 3:51
  • @MorrisdeOryx can you share more details? It's statistics, so it's approximate by design.
    – filiprem
    Commented Sep 30, 2019 at 10:30
  • I have one table with ~4M rows, 135K distinct values, and a distinct value estimate of under 3K rows. In other cases, the stats estimate is 100% correct, or plenty close. I've heard that PG 12 improves the options around stats on distinct values, but we're on 11.4 and I haven't tried PG 12 yet. Commented Sep 30, 2019 at 10:33
  • @MorrisdeOryx in this case Pg version is irrelevant. I just wonder what "poor results" did you get and how?
    – filiprem
    Commented Sep 30, 2019 at 18:53
  • I looked back in my code and realized I'd have to provide an example to flesh out this question. You can find it here: dba.stackexchange.com/questions/249969/… I'd love a great way to get reasonably accurate distinct count estimates, if there is one. Commented Oct 1, 2019 at 0:05

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