I have servers where I use proxy accounts to run ETL processes or even to backup SSAS databases using powershell through a job.
I can see what AD Accounts are related to my proxies:
use msdb
,s.name as [job_name]
, c.credential_identity
from sysjobs S
INNER JOIN sysjobsteps JS ON S.job_id = js.job_id
INNER JOIN sysproxies p ON js.proxy_id = p.proxy_id
INNER JOIN sys.credentials as c on c.credential_id = p.credential_id
I can script out roles and logins and even table types but now I need to script out my proxies.
QUESTION: How to script out proxies?
I Want to script out the following:
I have got this so far:
IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB..#tmp_sp_help_proxy','U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmp_sp_help_proxy
create table #tmp_sp_help_proxy(proxy_id int null,
name nvarchar(128) null,
credential_identity nvarchar(128) null,
enabled tinyint null,
description nvarchar(1024) null,
user_sid varbinary(40) null,
credential_id int null,
credential_identity_exists int null)
insert into #tmp_sp_help_proxy(proxy_id, name, credential_identity, enabled, description, user_sid, credential_id, credential_identity_exists)
exec msdb.dbo.sp_help_proxy
tshp.name AS [Name],
tshp.proxy_id AS [ID],
CAST(tshp.enabled AS bit) AS [IsEnabled],
ISNULL(tshp.description,N'''') AS [Description],
tshp.credential_id AS [CredentialID],
ISNULL(sc.name,N'''') AS [CredentialName],
ISNULL(tshp.credential_identity,N'''') AS [CredentialIdentity]
#tmp_sp_help_proxy AS tshp
INNER JOIN sys.credentials AS sc ON sc.credential_id = tshp.credential_id