I am using Postgres v 9.5.
I have a table with a column of type JSON. Trying to search data in that JSON column by using the following query:
select * from mytable where data->'application_form_attributes'->>'5705' = 'ABCD';
To speedup the query I have tried to create an index :
CREATE INDEX myindex1 ON mytable USING btree (base_service_id,(data :: jsonb->'application_form_attributes'));
But I am getting the error:-
ERROR: index row size 2744 exceeds maximum 2712 for index "myindex1"
HINT: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed.
Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing.
SQL state: 54000
structure is:
department_id integer,
org_name character varying(250),
base_service_id integer,
service_id integer,
service_name character varying(250),
application_id integer NOT NULL,
appl_ref_no character varying(50),
submission_date timestamp without time zone,
submission_mode_id integer,
submission_mode character varying(150),
submission_location character varying(250),
data json,
execution_data json,
pending_task_json json,
max_current_process_id integer,
appl_status character(1),
due_date timestamp without time zone,
payment_mode_name character varying(200),
version_no integer,
appl_amount numeric(18,2),
coverage_location_id integer,
location_id integer,
location_type_id integer,
payment_mode_id integer,
applied_by character varying,
kiosk_registration_no character varying(50),
last_task_at character varying(100),
current_task_pending character varying(500),
CONSTRAINT pk_table1_json PRIMARY KEY (application_id)
Need solution so that the search could be made fast.
Update :
My index that created successfully:
CREATE INDEX concurrently appl_processingjson_data_idx2 ON application_processing_json (CAST(md5(initiated_data :: text) AS uuid));
EXPLAIN output:
select * from application_processing_json where base_service_id = 721 and initiated_data->'application_form_attributes'->>'5734' = '9898989822';
"Seq Scan on application_processing_json (cost=0.00..109162.32 rows=2342 width=1998)"
" Filter: ((base_service_id = 721) AND (((initiated_data -> 'application_form_attributes'::text) ->> '5734'::text) = '9898989822'::text))"
Now problem is that this index is not being used in searching. Rather a sequential scan is being used as described in EXPLAIN.