We have two tables:
CREATE TABLE listing_master (
feed_id character varying(20) NOT NULL,
feed_listing_id character varying(20) NOT NULL,
updated_time timestamp(0) without time zone NOT NULL
-- Indices -------------------------------------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listing_master_pkey ON listing_master(id int4_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listing_master_feed_id_feed_listing_id_idx ON listing_master(feed_id text_ops,feed_listing_id text_ops);
CREATE TABLE listing (
mls_num character varying(20),
feed_listing_id character varying(20) NOT NULL,
feed_id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
list_price double precision,
postal_code character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
photos_count integer,
unparsed_address character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
city character varying(255) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
status character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::character varying,
processing_status character varying(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'::character varying,
last_update_from_feed timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
images_data jsonb,
coordinates point,
raw_data jsonb,
deleted_date timestamp(0) without time zone DEFAULT NULL::timestamp without time zone,
state_or_province text,
country text,
type character varying(40) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
ownership_type character varying(40) DEFAULT NULL::character varying,
bedrooms integer,
living_area integer,
lot_size integer,
year_built integer
COMMENT ON COLUMN listing.images_data IS '(DC2Type:json_array)';
-- Indices -------------------------------------------------------
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listing_pkey ON listing(id int4_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listing_feed_id_feed_listing_id_idx ON listing(feed_id text_ops,feed_listing_id text_ops);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX listing_mls_num_feed_id_state_or_province_idx ON listing(mls_num text_ops,feed_id text_ops,state_or_province text_ops) WHERE state_or_province IS NOT NULL AND status::text = 'live'::text AND mls_num IS NOT NULL AND deleted_date IS NULL;
is populated from an API call and holds all the records that eventually have to exist in the listing
So, let's assume
has 100k records
has somewhat less
In order to verify that I ran this query:
select *
from listing_master
where feed_id = 'ddf'
and feed_listing_id not in (select feed_listing_id
from listing
where feed_id = 'ddf'
and deleted_date is null );
And, as promised, this gave me 136 records back.
Now, I want to populate the missing listings from listing_master
into listing
, and trying it this way:
insert into listing(feed_id,feed_listing_id,status,processing_status)
select lm.feed_id, lm.feed_listing_id, 'new' as status,'none' as processing_status
from listing_master lm
on conflict (feed_id,feed_listing_id) do nothing;
For some reason, this inserts 0 records, while it clearly should add 136 of them. What am I missing?
I am in PostgreSQL 12.