I'm trying to generate a rolling average based on a generated time series joined with a subquery on each day of the time series. However, the subquery occasionally does not have a result for a given day, and hence it does not return a row for said day. This breaks the rolling average calculation since it's based on preceding/following rows. It still calculates, but the calculation is wrong since it's not counting "0" days since those rows aren't present.
d::date AS day,
updates.login as login,
avg(coalesce(updates.counts, 0)) over (order by date(d) rows between 3 preceding and 3 following) as rollingavg
from generate_series(date '${from}' - 3, date '${to}' + 3, interval '1' DAY) AS t(d)
date(item.updated_at) AS day,
count(date(item.updated_at)) AS counts
user_item as item
inner join user u ON u.id = item.user_id
item.updated_at >= (date '${from}' - 3)
item.updated_at <= (date '${to}' + 3)
GROUP by day, login
) updates ON updates.day = t.d
If I remove the login
from the group by clause and modify the query to fit, it appears to work, but that's only because there is enough data that no day goes without at least one update. In the off chance there were a day without an update, this would experience the same problem.
My initial thought was to join a generated table that is essentially a cross join between the time series and every possible author, or possibly modify my from generate_series
to represent such a table that includes a baseline '0' count for every user on every day, but something about that feels wrong.
Am I on the right path?
EDIT: Some simplified sample data to make it a bit more obvious what I'm getting at. This is focused purely on the subquery since that is where the problem begins:
id | login |
1 | userA |
2 | userB |
updated_at | user_id |
'2020-01-01' | 1 |
'2020-01-01' | 2 |
'2020-01-02' | 1 |
'2020-01-03' | 2 |
The desired result is as follows:
date | user | count |
'2020-01-01 | userA | 1 |
'2020-01-01 | userB | 1 |
'2020-01-02 | userA | 1 |
'2020-01-02 | userB | 0 |
'2020-01-03 | userA | 0 |
'2020-01-03 | userB | 1 |
But what I'm getting:
date | user | count |
'2020-01-01 | userA | 1 |
'2020-01-01 | userB | 1 |
'2020-01-02 | userA | 1 |
'2020-01-03 | userB | 1 |