One thing I miss from using SQL Profiler is selecting multiple rows in profiler (looking at Batch Completed and RPC Completed events) and seeing all the SQL in the below panel, i.e. as one combined text field with all the SQL statements. I could copy it all and paste into SQL Management Studio and work on it there. Is there an easy way to do similarly with Extended Events?
When I do an extended events session, e.g. using XEvent Profiler > Standard, it's a much less friendly UX to get all the SQL Statements generated. I have to double-click on each one, click the Copy All button on the popup, close that popup, then double-click on the next row. I could right-click on the row and choose Copy > Cell but that doesn't preserve line breaks in the copied text. If I've got more than a few events this isn't fun.
Am I missing something? How does everyone else use Extended Events without becoming super frustrated with the UX? I'm such an occasional user of it I've put off learning all the ins and outs of scripting event sessions and doing clever things with the results.