I'm a MongoDB noob and I have a MongoDB collection with millions of documents, each with tens of keys (average ~ 60, large variance) from a set of around 100. I'd like to get a count of each key across the entire collection.
For example, if the documents in the collection were:
{"_id":0, "foo": 0, "bar":1, "baz":2}
{"_id":1, "foo": 0, "baz":7, "qux":11, "quux":13}
{"_id":2, "foo": 1, "bar":1, "quux":3}
then the desired output would be:
{"_id":3, "foo":3, "bar":2, "baz":2, "qux":1, "quux": 2}
I can "explode" the collection with $objectToArray
, $unwind
, $group
, and then $count
, but it's slow.
Is there something that could do this efficiently in one pass through the collection? Something like,
[notional psuedocode]
foreach document:
foreach key:
if output.key exists:
=> output: {key1: key1_count, ...}