This question regards how a one-to-many row might "belong" to a different row and what exactly to call it. I might be asking for a term that does not exist.
Please see the below two tables. Customer and Address form a one-to-many relationship where one Customer might have many addresses. These Addresses "belong" to a Customer.
Customer |
CustomerID |
CustomerName |
Address |
AddressID |
CustomerID |
StreetAddress |
City |
State |
ZIPCode |
TaxCodeID |
Now notice this table:
TaxCode |
TaxCodeID |
TaxPercent |
A single TaxCode could exist for many Addresses (a one-to-many relationship). But as I see it, Address doesn't "belong" to TaxCode as Address "belongs" to the Customer. Address is a sort of "child" of Customer whereas Address just has a "link" to TaxCode. I don't think the database "cares" since I think all the database rules are the same (e.g., foreign keys). But I'm wondering if specific names exist for these relationships beyond a one-to-many relationship.
In summary, I would like to know what to call the Customer-Address one-to-many relationship vs. the TaxCode-Address one-to-many relationship. Thank you.