I have a db with some customers data. There I store their last login time as datetime.

I want to run a cron php script every min which will query mysqli for their last login datetime and if that was more than 20 mins in the past i will run some js popup etc (something like NOW() - last_login).

Anyway I am trying to query the db directly for that kind of users based on that 20 min time difference.

With php it's easy to filter results but I want to bring directly results from my mysql db without any intermediate process from php.

How can I accomplish this?

  • Ok, i 've found the solution and i want to share it with you. "SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE dt_column < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 20 MINUTE)" This brings all entries were last login dt was more than 20 mins in the past. Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 19:28
  • You can add that as an answer (of your question). Commented Jan 18, 2013 at 20:24

1 Answer 1


Ok, i 've found the solution and i want to share it with you.


This brings all entries were last login was more than 20 mins in the past.

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