We're running MySQL on a machine with 8GB of memory. The innodb_buffer_pool_size is set to 1GB. Recently, MySQL crashed due to a full memory condition. Our monitoring tool showed 100% memory utilization by MySQL when a specific process was running. This process involved inserting data into a table with many TEXT fields.

Here's the interesting part:

Our monitoring tool's historical data suggests this process has caused 100% memory usage before, but fortunately, MySQL didn't crash then. In those instances, memory usage likely returned to near the innodb_buffer_pool_size level after the process completed. I confirmed that MySQL was solely responsible for the high memory utilization by analyzing the output of the top command. I thought MySQL wouldn't use much more memory than the innodb_buffer_pool_size, but I guess I was wrong.

Additional Information:

MySQL server version: 8.0.39 . All parameters are default except max_allowed_packet (set to 500MB). I tried reducing max_allowed_packet to 64MB but it caused our insertion process to fail, requiring the value to be increased back to 500MB.


Based on this experience, why is MySQL using all available memory instead of staying within the innodb_buffer_pool_size limit or close to that level?

Although a memory leak bug in MySQL 8.0.39 seems improbable, the release notes for MySQL 8.0.40 indicate a bug fix that may be relevant 'Fixed a memory leak in the mysql client. (Bug #36600203)' https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/8.0/en/news-8-0-40.html , I am uncertain whether this behavior is expected, a configuration issue, or a bug. Please advise.



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