I'm running MySQL 5.5.31 and I have a master/slave setup. I accidentally ran a mysql UPDATE on the slave, a simple one-row update like:
UPDATE thetable SET somefield = 'asdf' WHERE id = 1234
I realized my mistake quickly and then ran the same exact statement on master. I probably should have looked into possible issues after the update to slave before the update to master, but I wasn't thinking clearly, so I don't know what the state was like between these operations.
Anyway, after that, worried that I may have caused a sync problem, I did a SHOW SLAVE STATUS
and the replication seemed to be working fine, fully caught up with master, and with no error messages. I also did a CHECKSUM TABLE thetable
on both master and slave, and the value returned was identical.
So everything seems to be running fine, but I want to avoid running into any potential problems. Given what I described, should everything be okay here on out? Is something about this resulting state going to pop up and bite me? In general, if you make an update to slave followed immediately by an identical update to master, will sync problems be avoided?