Linked Questions

7 votes
1 answer

No SA password. No SQL Server Management Studio. No OS authentication [duplicate]

I have this problem. I need to do some administrative tasks on a MS SQL Database using SA account. OS authentication is not set. SQL Server Manager Manager Studio is not installed. I have no other ...
Tulains Córdova's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Login failed for user 'domain\Administrator'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456) [duplicate]

On my newly installed SQL Server 2014, I get the following error when trying to connect to the SQL Server: 2015-05-13 12:09:38.40 Logon Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 5. 2015-05-13 12:09:38.40 ...
Alexander's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Re enable Windows Authetication in SQL Server [duplicate]

My old employee has disabled Windows Authentication in our server. Now I'm not able to access the SQL Server even though I have Administrator access to the server. I need to reset the sa password. I ...
Akhil K Nambiar's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Microsoft SQL Server says my login is disabled, even in single user/DAC mode [duplicate]

I'm locked out of a local database, and the single-user mode option that has worked for me in the past isn't working for me here. I could use some options to try. It's saying the account is disabled, ...
sarahg's user avatar
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0 votes
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How Do I Gain SysAdmin Access Without Having a SysAdmin Account? [duplicate]

Situation: We recently had a consultant company build new Lync 2013 Servers in a mirror setup. There are two security principles set, SA (disabled), and a AD group that is only associated with the ...
AKDiscer's user avatar
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2 votes
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Locked out of an old 2008R2 Database [duplicate]

We just discovered another server with a database on it. The database is owned by a SQL account SA, with the public and sysadmin roles. The other login is BUILTIN\Users, with only public. I can only ...
James's user avatar
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Connect to local instance after leaving domain account [duplicate]

Yesterday, I switched from a domain user account to a local user account in Windows. Before the change, I could connect to my local database instance, but after leaving the domain, I cannot connect ...
Leonard's user avatar
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0 votes
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SQL Server Permission [duplicate]

I installed SQL Server, I deleted my windows user account, now I'm trying to access SQL Server using administrator account but it could not connect. It throws error like this The database TEST is ...
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Windows Administrator doesn't have permission on SQL Server [duplicate]

My previous system administrator created a SQL Server 2008 instance on my local machine with his domain User. Now, I cannot create, delete, or view any databases or tables on that instance. Even with ...
Yesudass Moses's user avatar
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Can I enable Login when I can't connect to the instance? [duplicate]

I have a cloned a customer machine to a Virtual machine. I had access from my code (SqlConnection) to the database through a database-Login where I could use window autentication. I disabled my ...
radbyx's user avatar
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0 votes
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How To Enable a User in SQL Server [duplicate]

I Made Bad Mistake And Disable All Users In SQL Is There Any Way With cmd Or RegEdit To Enable One User?
Ali Sharafzade's user avatar
26 votes
7 answers

How to add new sysadmin account when no sysadmin accounts exist

During testing I deselected the sysadmin rights for my login and now can't re-add it (because I don't have sysadmin rights). There are no other sysadmin accounts for the instance except the [sa] ...
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3 votes
3 answers

After I replaced master mdf/ldf files, can no longer log in

Today I couldn't start SQL Server process anymore. Reason: The log scan number (213:18:1) passed to log scan in database 'master' is not valid. This error may indicate data corruption or that the log ...
andrerpena's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot Login to Fresh Installation of SQL Server 2012

I just deployed a fresh installation of SQL Server 2012 on a Windows Server 2012 Datacenter R2 environment. The installation completed with 0 warnings and 0 failures. During the installation I ...
rws907's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Recover SA Password - PSTools - Not working

I'm on a new company, and the first thing I saw is that they don't even know how many instances they have. they don't have passwords and the old DBA had no Idea what he was doing. long story short, I ...
Racer SQL's user avatar
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