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AWS RDS MySQL upgrade from 5.7 to 8 failing due to ROW_FORMAT

We need to upgrade our DB to version 8, but we're getting an error in the migration log that's preventing us from upgrading. Creating indexes larger than 767 bytes on tables with redundant row format ...
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Do MySQL limitations apply to MariaDB as well on AWS RDS

I am thinking of migrating MariaDB 10.3.13 to RDS, I want to do an analysis of what limitation can be caused by migrating to RDS, I could find no documentation by AWS for MariaDB for issues and ...
DB guy's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there performance loss in out of sequence inserted rows (MySQL InnoDB)

I am trying to migrate from a MySQL AWS RDS instance with a huge SSD and too much excess space down to a small one, and data migration is the only method. There are four tables in the range of 330GB-...
Shahid Thaika's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Migrate large (200GB) mysql databases to new hosts with as little downtime as possible

My question is about migrating large amounts of MySQL data with as little downtime as possible. I have 3 MySQL databases that need to be moved from one RDS instance inside a VPC into a brand new AWS ...
outrunthewolf's user avatar
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MySQL how to migrate to new server without data lost?

I'm using AWS RDS, with 1 master & 1 slave. Just now I alter 1 of the table and hangup halfway, so I force stop the process. Now the database got some problem. Let say I wanted to instantiate a ...
Js Lim's user avatar
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Move data chunk from table with 200+million rows to a new table MySQL

Our DB is hosted in AWS MySQL RDS. The data is such that each company that signs up gets its own set of tables which then receive enormous amount of data in them. Currently we want to move a chunk of ...
Asad M's user avatar
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Why is my dev server faster than a much more powerful RDS?

I'm running a huge data migration. Probably ~100 million rows total across a few dozen tables. There is a lot of reformatting. About 50% of it is done through PHP while the rest uses INSERT INTO... ...
andrewtweber's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I synchronize data between two RDS MySQL databases

I have 2 Amazon RDS MySQL instances, one is MySql v5.5 and the new one is 5.6. I want to upgrade the 5.5 to the 5.6 but you cannot do upgrades at this time, so we are trying to migrate the data. I ...
John Hamman's user avatar
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Looking for suggestions to Migrate Amazon RDS Large Instance to non-amazon host - Live

We have an Amazon RDS Large instance with a database of about 20GB that needs to be migrated without having to take our website down or minimize downtime to less than a couple of hours. And I am ...
John Hamman's user avatar