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How can I get all results concatenated from a column group by UID?

I need to build a SQL query, for MySQL 5.7, if it is possible, to "GROUP BY" uid and title and concat the permissions column and separate with a |? I am saying GROUP BY but I do not know if ...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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Select first row of a particular group with one attribute selected as 0 while all other rows should be selected as is

I have a requirement where I need to select first row of a particular group and for all other groups I need to select the row as is in the same query. Here is my table CREATE TABLE mytable( afid ...
Himanshuman's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to select date time step by 60 second from first value to last value in table

I want to add 60 seconds to the date value from the first date and return the data if it exists in that interval like this datetime value 2021-05-02 12:20:1 5 2021-05-02 12:20:15 8 2021-05-02 12:...
mohamadreza dehghan's user avatar
1 vote
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SQL - count rows with same value

I would like to group and list all the rows that have the same value (gruppo_muscolare.nome) and count how many values (esercizio.nome) are related to the same value, but if I use GROUP BY then I only ...
Marcus Barnet's user avatar
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How do I name the thing that is done in the FROM part of the query?

So, I have recently started studying data bases in Uni, MySQL. I am practicing some queries with different stuff that the professor gave us. One of the questions i have found is as follows: Show the ...
Cewu00's user avatar
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find groups with duplicate versions

I want to find all the groups in a table that have duplicate group version. A group can have multiple group versions. Each group version can have multiple members. A group 'version' is defined by ...
Nir's user avatar
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How to use GROUP_CONCAT for a column and COUNT(*)?

I get the ids of a query by GROUP_CONCAT. SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ArticleID) FROM TagMap WHERE Tag IN(...) How can I merge this query with a COUNT(*) group by SELECT ArticleID,COUNT(*) FROM TagMap WHERE ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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How to COUNT co-tags from a tag_map table in mysql?

I have a simple tag_map table CREATE TABLE TagMap ( TagID mediumint(7) unsigned, ArticleID int(11) unsigned, FOREIGN KEY(TagID) REFERENCES Tags(TagID) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY(ArticleID) ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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SELECT with a GROUP BY column?

The situation is like this: I have a table that has one row for each copy of a letter, which also contains the letter ID. I want a single query that outputs each letter copy row with the letter copy ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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How to get sum of 3 sub count queries and group them using an attribute

I have 3 queries as follows: For the date 2019-12-02, I am calculating 3 type of values. The total value for 2019-12-02 must be the sum of these 3 queries. Q1 SELECT count(*) FROM ...
sadeee nadeee's user avatar
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For states (col) receiving exactly X number of items (row), sort the items by weight (col)

I have been trying to figure this out for a few hours now but haven't gotten it. Each row in the table is a package. I am able to get the States with the exact number of packages, but don't know how ...
a8d9add11bff124c0fbddd7a6607's user avatar
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Limit groups of results based on a column value

I'm not sure I formulated the question properly, but anyway. I have a table with level-2 comments, some of which, expectedly, have the same comment_parent column value. How do I make a SELECT query ...
COOLak's user avatar
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Filter on value in another row

Please see image of the data and my code so far. In this example I only want the first two rows to be retrieved. The reason for this is because where JobID is 1684 the sum of STILL_REQUIRED is > 0 ...
user167070's user avatar
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Select only records that have different values for a particular column

In my table there are some records that have different name values for the same account number and I want to extract only the records that have different values in the name field, but that share the ...
Tesla's user avatar
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MSSQL select count entities in date range

I have a task to find how often a user performs actions per a minute. I have found the solution with grouping by date part: CREATE TABLE UserAction(Id int, Date datetime, Action nvarchar(200)) Go ...
Ihor Shubin's user avatar
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Road lifecycles: Partition rows into groups

I have a constr_events table: create table constr_events ( event_id number(4) not null unique, road_id number(4) not null, constr_date date not null, reset_condition number(9,2)...
User1974's user avatar
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MySQL group by multiple columns on multiple tables only one result per group

I have three different tables and I need to count how many rows has a specific value (COUNT(track)) then group by and sort by only one result per user (tracks.uid). My three tables: `users`...
NineCattoRules's user avatar
1 vote
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Is GROUP BY select-list-ref less optimized than GROUP BY colname?

Just wondering if GROUP BY 1 is slower than GROUP BY col? SELECT x, count(x) FROM foo GROUP BY 1;
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Why can I select all fields when grouping by primary key but not when grouping by another column

How is this a valid statement (where id is the primary key of the table): select * from table group by id ; and this is not: select * from table group by name ; ERROR: column "" must ...
Sachin Verma's user avatar
5 votes
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SQL Server: Order of Rows

We all know that a simple statement such as: SELECT * FROM stuff; should not produce an ordered result. However, when I try to demonstrate this, it always comes out in primary key order. Moreover a ...
Manngo's user avatar
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T-SQL Count in single select

I have a table called Catalog. It has multiple columns, for example CreatedByID and ModifiedByID that contain user IDs. I would like to get count of how many documents a user has created and edited. ...
Joni's user avatar
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Group COUNT by month less than variable

In SQL Server 2008 R2, I have the following two tables, Employee and EmployeeStatus: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ( [employeeID] [int] IDENTITY(9500,1) NOT NULL, [firstName] [nvarchar](50) ...
Alex's user avatar
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ORACLE: Changing the grouping of a data to be based on month breakdowns

To keep this short and to the point, I am looking at modifying the grouping for this SQL query to go from NAME to Month/yy Here is a example of the script, and screenshots of the output file This is ...
Hector's user avatar
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How to get number of active users with one SQL-Query?

I am running a site similar to craigslist where users can create classifieds and write/reply messages. In order to get an idea of activity I would like to get the amount of active users per month. ...
merlin's user avatar
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Unknown column 'actions_in_group' in 'field list'

I keep getting: Unknown column 'actions_in_group' in 'field list' Here's the SQLFiddle:!9/4ddf0/19 SELECT *, SUM(actions_in_group) AS total_rows_in_group, GROUP_CONCAT(...
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Update rows in a table with an index column starting from 0 with consecutive numbers

I have a few tables in a Oracle db with some "rule": The INDEX_COLUMN must start from 0 and must be consecutive numbers and the column NRCRT must start from 1 and also consecutive numbers. I've made a ...
WDrgn's user avatar
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Find the last record of group of overlapped records

I have a little dilemma with filtering out result. The result and what I want to achieve is not very trivial and I didn't find an answer anywhere after extensive search. So here is my problem: I ...
Danny Lazarov's user avatar
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sql problem with multiple linked tables

I have an Oracle db and the following tables: raportor: id id_pct_lucru 58382 327342 ses_rap id an status 1 2012 I 21 2013 I 41 2014 D ch_trat id fk_id_raportor ...
WDrgn's user avatar
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Group-by in an Oracle database

on an Oracle database. If I make an: select id,id_operator,denumire,cod_fiscal,loc_den,str from rap where is_punct_lucru=1 and id_operator in ( select id_operator from rap where ...
WDrgn's user avatar
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MYSQL Select Distinct with SUM

I am developing a Stocks management application, the Portfolio register table has 4 columns, other than date and registry_key, and it looks like this: ---------------------------------------- | ...
Asim Siddiqui's user avatar
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select group by with multiple AND conditions on the same columns

I've an sql table like this: SID|SERVICE_SID|ATTRIBUTE_SID|VALUE 1 2 5 "VAL1" 2 2 4 "VAL8" 3 2 3 "VAL4" 4 11 5 ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to speed up slow query using GROUP BY and CASE?

I'm not very experienced with MySQL and and trying to figure out how to speed up a slow query using GROUP BY and CASE statements. CASE 1 -- GROUP BY and CASE SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE, m.sku, m....
Nate's user avatar
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Selecting most recent date when dates are stored in another table

Working in a MySQL database, I have tables set up like this: Table song_instances has song_id (int), meeting_instance_id (int) The meeting_instances table has columns meeting_instance_id (int), ...
Bryan Gentry's user avatar
3 votes
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Group by age range and gender with aggregation function on some columns

In Mysql, I have a patient table with id, birth_year and gender. Next table is transactions in which I have id, patient_id [FK from patient] and checkup_date. I need to select rows such that I get ...
Sangam Uprety's user avatar
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Select latest record for each ID

I have three tables that contains data as below: Users Id Name Other_Columns --------------------------- 1 John Blah 2 Ricky Blah 3 Stella Blah 4 Bob Blah Saldo Id ...
bofanda's user avatar
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Is there any performance difference between a group by statement and nested select statements in sql?

I am curious to know about the differences between using group by statement and nested selects to achieve the same result. for example consider I have two tables such as the following: tblPurchase ...
Hossein's user avatar
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Select query - group by and sub group by

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[temptable] ( [Id] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY, [uid] INT NOT NULL, [pid] INT NOT NULL, [event] INT NOT NULL, [timeStamp] DateTime NOT NULL ) I want ...
IsmailS's user avatar
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How to query for 'First showed up as'

Given the following table: Date Trd (INT(10)) Code (VARCHAR(10)) T-Date 1-Jan-14 1 B 1-Nov-13 1-Jan-14 2 B 3-Oct-13 1-...
VBOG's user avatar
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SELECT showing two COUNTs

I had this table: tblA id | name | value 1 nameA 1 2 nameA 0 3 nameB 0 4 nameC 0 5 nameC 1 6 nameC 1 As you see, Value can be 1 or 0 I need to perform a query ...
Richmond's user avatar
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How to remove duplicates in col1 and get group MAX in col2? / mysql

Given the following table: col1 Col2 A 1 B 1 C 1 B 2 B 3 A 0 C 5 how do I write a SELECT query (I just assumed has to be SELECT) that returns the unique items of col1 and the ...
VBOG's user avatar
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How to UPDATE MAX and MIN of a GROUP BY?

I have a SELECT query of a table with GROUP BY id col1 category 1 some 1 2 x 1 3 another 1 4 x 2 // should be removed 5 some 2 6 x ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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How to get MAX and MIN in GROUP BY query?

In this query: SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table1 GROUP BY col1 each row includes the first value of col2 and col3 for each unique value of col1. How to select MAX and MIN for each value of col1. ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Error "column does not exist" in a SELECT with JOIN and GROUP BY query

I'm using PostgreSQL 9.1 with a Ruby on Rails application. I'm trying to list the last version of each "charge" (in my history table : hist_version_charges) belonging to the same project id (...
Douglas's user avatar
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Multiple "GROUP_CONCAT"s with WHERE clause

In a table as id name type info 1 BMW car yes 2 Reno car no 3 IBM electronics no 4 Sony electronics yes 5 Mazda ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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SELECT multiple sensor values in one query

Background I have a couple of devices, each with a couple of sensors. I log these every now and then and stores them in a table described below. When someone requests a web page, I fetch a couple of ...
m__'s user avatar
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GROUP BY two columns

I want to count two columns, but need to get the results of first column in one row. SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM table1 GROUP BY country, type This query gives me country type COUNT(*) ...
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