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Mariadb semi-freezing while writing gigabytes per second according to iotop

Recently, I've had a crash of mariadb that started a nightmare. When I restored dumps I had sometimes the daemon hang during bulk inserts. This happened only on the few "big" innodb tables (...
meh's user avatar
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MySQL 5.7 --> MariaDB 10.8 switch: mysqlcheck --check --extended hangs on table

Recently I switched from MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB 10.8 and it's been generally great as a drop-in replacement, but I've run into a problem: the process for a cron job that daily runs /usr/bin/nice /usr/...
AJ Livingston's user avatar
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Postgres (9.6) hangs on start after storage upgrade

I have been running Postgres on a Linode with the data directory mapped to an external volume. Yesterday Linode prompted me to upgrade my storage to NVMe so I did. Unfortunately, following that, ...
Cory's user avatar
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2 answers

Oracle 19c Installer hangs with endless Reading from the pipe output

I am attemping to install Oracle 19c on Windows 10 64 bit. No Oracle products have ever been installed on this machine. When I run setup.exe the cmd window launches, then the splash screen and then ...
stumit's user avatar
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SQL Server 2017 freezing during bulk insert of large file into in-memory staging table

Running SQL Server 2017 CU20 Standard on a dedicated Dell PowerEdge with 28 cores and 192GB of RAM. I have a stored procedure that processes large files (~7GB each) in a loop by bulk inserting them ...
eek's user avatar
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MSSQL 2012 SP4 11.0.7493 periodically unresponsive until cluster failed over

I have a production MSSQL 2012 Standard SP4 (11.0.7493) database that periodically (non-deterministically, but anywhere from every few days to every few weeks) becomes unresponsive to queries made by ...
Jaegermeiste's user avatar
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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hangs on Waiting for table metadata lock

I'm using a dockerized MySQL 5.7.13 as part of an integration test of an application. The way the system works is as follows: I start up the main application. It opens up a connection to MySQL, but ...
JohnEye's user avatar
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5 votes
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Kill infinite loop plperl

How can I kill session with infinite looped plperl function? Both pg_terminate_backend and pg_cancel_backend had no effect. kill -1 pid did nothing as well and kill -9 pid crashed server.
Łukasz Kamiński's user avatar
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Are there known parallelism issues with Sql Server 2016?

Looking for anything such as known bugs in Sql Server 2016 SP1, CU4 and CU5 (both have same issue) on windows 2012 R2 on vmware. Esp. if where parallel threads wait on each other. Issue: After ...
Saxman's user avatar
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What would cause an UPDATE statment to hang when executing from an .mdb file to SQL Server 2008 R2 over ODBC?

Is there anything that would cause an UPDATE statement INNER JOINed between a separate MS-Access linked table and an SQL Server 2008 R2 table to hang, when the values are being set on the SQL Server ...
leeand00's user avatar
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SQL Server 2014 SP1 stops responding [closed]

Recently I have upgraded my development machine to Windows 10 and SQL Server 2014 SP1 Express (12.0.4213). Then I noticed that my application sometimes crashes with a timeout exception. It is quite a ...
Dark Daskin's user avatar
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How to get postgres to resume processes after it hangs when the RAID drive hosting the tablespace times out

Nearly once per day I'm getting a timeout that shows up in console like: 7:1:36 PM kernel: Areca RAID volume scsi command timeout (target=0 lun=0) which corresponds exactly to when all postgres ...
dkitchel's user avatar
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MySQL: "CREATE DATABASE mydb" command hangs [closed]

On my MySQL 5.6 server, when logged in as root, the command CREATE DATABASE hangs. No error message - nothing. The MySQL error log doesn't show anything special either. What could I look into to ...
dr_'s user avatar
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4 votes
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MySQL hangs in killed state

I have a strange situation where a mysql OPTIMIZE query will never end. After killinh it, it remains in the "killed" state. Scenario to reproduce: OS: CentOS 6.5 MySQL: 5.6 Engine: MyISAM (with at ...
user avatar
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SSIS execute task running wscript.exe hangs when started from SQL Server Agent

I have a problem with sql server 2012 SSIS package which has execute step running wscript.exe utility. When I run this package from BIDS everything works fine, when I start package from SSIS it also ...
Johnny_D's user avatar
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SQL Server Error 833 On LDF File

I'm getting error 833 on my ldf file and i'm getting it a lot. Please see the following. When this happens, my application is hang already. I know error 833 has been reported a lot, but what does it ...
grassbl8d's user avatar
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How to detect when ORA-00604 occurred?

Today, between 3:00pm-3:30pm, my Oracle 10g database on Windows hanged twice. Error messages were related to ORA-00604. I'm pretty sure it was some query or queries that some user run as owner of some ...
Delmonte's user avatar
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Why does Oracle hang on "ALTER TABLE ADD ... NOT NULL"? [closed]

Using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release, the operations below have completely stumped me. The first locks up (table has DDL lock, finally killed query after 20+ minute wait). ...
TML's user avatar
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