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Is it really possible to use SQL injection to change a database, or is this a scam?

A guy I know at college is claiming he can change his grades by gaining access to the database through an SQL inject, and can also gain access to all admin account privileges and records. The portal ...
Per's user avatar
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Mongo Preventing access to dangerous command

Reading Mongo: Definite guide: In first chapter, author mentions the following snippet to change some of the default commands of db: var no = function() { print("Not on my watch."); }; //...
Cody's user avatar
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Converting Mongoose schema to Prisma Mysql schema

I am trying to convert the following Mongoose schema to a Prisma MySql Schema. Not sure if I am doing it right. Here is the Mongoose Schema: import mongoose from 'mongoose'; const { ObjectId } = ...
John John's user avatar
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Can you run PL/Python or PL/v8 code from the database itself?

It it possible to run code that is stored in the database, on the database. For example, I'd like a trigger to execute a function whose Javascript code is stored in the same database. (Normally, ...
fadedbee's user avatar
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Generate report by cross join between two tables

I wanted to generate report between two tables by using CROSS JOIN. Below shows the details of table. Table 1: kod_jawatan jawatan_id jawatan_kod jawatan_nama Table 2: tpermohonan mohon_id ...
NAS BS's user avatar
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Best way for processing over 150 million rows MySql

I wrote a function on nodejs to SELECT 150 million records, process the data and UPDATE those same 150 million records using UPDATE 'table' SET value1='somevalue' WHERE idRo2 = 1; Single Update for ...
Christopher Martinez's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to get applied stored procedure for inserted row in mysql php query [closed]

$query = "CREATE PROCEDURE IF NOT EXISTS Insertion(IN firstname varchar(40),IN lastname varchar(40),IN email varchar(40),IN department varchar(40),IN doj date,IN basicpay int(11)) BEGIN ...
karthik v's user avatar
5 votes
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Not authorized on test to execute command

Here is my code: mongoose.connect(consts.database, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true, sslCA: consts.databaseCert, }); //... const user = await db.userModel.findOne({ ...
now_world's user avatar
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Non RAM based in-browser database solutions?

I want to decentralize my databases and upload it to Sia Skynet to give the users the ability to search on front-end. It is important to be able to deal with large amounts of data, but the RAM-based ...
DaWe's user avatar
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How to parse MongoDB int32 in node.js

I am using MongoDB for a discord bot I am working on, and I want to retrieve a user's balance. My current code is function findBalance(id){ MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { if (err) throw ...
woofymax's user avatar
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Trouble connecting to local MongoDB server through app.js

I'm a newbie to MongoDB, and I just set up MongoDB within my Ubuntu terminal with mongod and mongo commands running in separate terminals. However, I can't get my app.js that would launch a website to ...
mazuka487's user avatar
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Migrating timezone timestamps

I am trying to migrate this node library from Postgres to MySQL and getting an error error: ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE: Incorrect datetime value: '...
fotoflo's user avatar
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