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MySQL innodb RAM usage increasing day by day

We have MySQL (version 8.x) with InnoDB engine. We were doing weekly MySQL restart (for rotating log files, like slow-query, error log etc) earlier and our RAM usage was in under control. Sometime ...
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table_name.ibd file size is increasing ( MySQL 5.7.7 Enterprise) ( Innodb Engines)

I am using MySQL 5.7.17 Enterprise edition in RHEL with configuration innodb_file_per_table=ON . So now here i have 2 question : Instead of ibd file per table ,i can see ibdata1,ib_logfile1,...
simplifiedDB's user avatar
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Information about Disk Storage MySQL

I am trying to create an application for monitoring MySQL,in my application there's a part of monitor DISK STORAGE, so after more research I have not found how to calculate : used and free size of ...
dardar.moh's user avatar
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mysqladmin debug writes out Current locks but PROCESSLIST and INNODB STATUS don't show any

I'm using the 1.1.8 mysql-cacti-templates to gather metrics on MySQL 5.0.77 (CentOS 5.7). Both the InnoDB Current Lock Waits and InnoDB Lock Structures graphs are charting with Cur[rent] values but ...
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