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Questions tagged [percona-tools]

A collection of software designed for advanced MySQL/PerconaServer tasks, maintenance, and monitoring.

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1 answer

Using pt-table-checksum to compare a slave's DB to another slave

I understand that pt-table-checksum can do checksum compares between a master's DB and a slave's DB easily. However, let's say your master has two slaves replicating from it for the same DB, i.e. ...
user1805458's user avatar
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Myloader command: Table doesn't exist

I took the backup of mysql database using mydumper command: mydumper -B mydb -o /backup/oct3 -s 500000 -c -m -S /tmp/mysql.sock -u root -p password@123 -v 3 Now, I am restoring mysql database ...
user2676864's user avatar
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pt-online-schema-change with circular replication

So I have an alter table (adding 4 columns) to do on a fairly large table (74 million rows). The problem is this table has firstly to remain online and writable during the whole operation and ...
t0mmyt's user avatar
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Is there a difference between an xtrabackup taken with and without --safe-slave-backup?

Currently I'm studying Percona's xtrabackup. In the manual in the paragraph "Taking Backups in Replication Environments" it says that using the --safe-slave-backup option is always recommended and I ...
user68293's user avatar
2 votes
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Percona's xtrabackup --apply-log fails with "all log files must be created at the same time"

I'm trying to figure out why applying logs on my xtrabackup files isn't working. I created a VM running MySQL 5.5.24. Then I created the sakila test database and backed it up with the following ...
user68293's user avatar
4 votes
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pt-query-digest results are empty

I have a slow log generated by MySQL 5.1.71-log, that I've copied onto another machine. It appears I'm not getting any results from pt-query-digest. $> pt-query-digest slow.log # 2.1s user time, ...
Alan C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

pt-table-sync for 3 master servers

We had a mysql multi master with 3 nodes and unfortunately the replication broke. We have some set of tables which has to be in sync with other database servers, so i was looking into Percona-Toolkit ...
Swaroop Kundeti's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to remove useless GRANTS in MySQL

I'm using pt-show-grants to create all my GRANTS on a new server but there's lots of old GRANTS that refer to tables that doesn't exist anymore so I get errors when I try to apply the SQL file on the ...
bbigras's user avatar
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1 answer

Native checksum table says there's a difference, pt-table-checksum does not

I was setting up a slave and doing some table checksums to check things were ok before getting them live. I did a native mysql checksum tables on the slaves after syncing slaving to a stopped point ...
atxdba's user avatar
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xtrabackup prepare - after dump or before restore?

i have doubts about xtrabackup --apply-log. is there any difference when use it? should it be done right after dump or before restore (even few months later)? seems stupid, but maybe i missing ...
Denis's user avatar
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Strange Locking issues while playing back logs via percona playback

Problem while replaying logs I am in the process of benchmarking a new DB node (specs at the end) and have run across some strange behavior: As described here i: Created a dump (innobackupex ftw) I ...
tnosaj's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

pt-table-checksum - Diffs cannot be detected because no slaves were found (1)

I'm new to Percona tools. I am trying to use pt-table-checksum as follows: pt-table-checksum h=localhost -u root -p xyz--replicate=percona.checksums --create-replicate-table --databases=mysql But ...
martin.kamke's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

any documentation on tpcc-mysql benchmark tool

Where can I find tpcc-mysql documentation? I google it but I can't find any documentation about it.
Arash Mousavi's user avatar
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innobackupex: What causes Slave_open_temp_tables did not become zero after waiting 15 minutes?

As you might know, in order to assure a consistent replication state, the slave should be backup only when there are no open temporary tables:
quanta's user avatar
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Running pt-table-checksum on a table in different databases

I'm using filters for replication: replicate-wild-do-table = test_slave.% replicate-rewrite-db = test->test_slave Is there an option to specify different DB name on slave for "pt-table-checksum" ...
HTF's user avatar
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1 answer

pt-table-sync error: Called not_in_left in state 0

I have setup a Mysql replication between 2 servers, using Percona Xtrabackup: Master is a MySQL 5.0.91 Community Edition (CentOS 4.8) Slave is a MySQL 5.1.68 Community Edition (CentOS 6.4) When ...
Nicolas Payart's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Which hot backup tools for MySQL InnoDB database : Percona XtraBackup, Zmanda Recovery Manager Enterprise or Community or…? [closed]

I manage a PHP/MySQL website : max 500 simultaneous users / average of 4000 per hour in update/read 1 MySQL Community Server (5.1) - (Xeon / 16 Go RAM) InnoDB Storage engine on 100 tables for 1.4 Go ...
Grey Goda's user avatar
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pt-table-checksum generates no output

I've been using pt-table-checksum on our staging server successfully, but when I run ./pt-table-checksum h=localhost,u=user --ask-pass --lock-wait-time=50 --databases prod It just sits there. No ...
Joel's user avatar
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1 answer

Maatkit shows the MySQL replication error in one table, but won't fix it

We use MySQL 5.1 with a primary/secondary replication setup. I use mk-table-checksum from Maatkit to generate checksums on the master and perform consistency checks on the replica. mk-table-checksum ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
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Why does pt-table-checksum gives exit status 0 if slave is unreachable?

I'm using pt-table-checksum version 2.1.4 for checking my master-slave set up. In the case when I forget to set up the right privileges on the slave, it writes an error to stderr like this: # pt-...
gertvdijk's user avatar
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Do I have to filter the percona.checksums table in replication for use with pt-table-checksum?

I've set up MySQL replication, one master and one slave. Now I just starting to check the data for integrity on both sides by using Percona's pt-table-checksum. Wonderful tool to detect any changes or ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
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2 answers

Does pt-table-checksum point out rows that are different between Master and Slave?

Trying to verify replication integrity of my replica. And I found that pt-table-checksum is one of the best ways of doing it. I have a simple Master->Slave set up. Have created a sample table with 10 ...
omggs's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Finding differences between a master and slave when pt-table-sync fails

I have a table that's showing some differences on a master and slave according to pt-table-checksum (PTC). I've found some verifying differences beyond that. Certain tables in the mix have composite ...
atxdba's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to pass parameters to pt-table-checksum using an options file?

We're using Percona's pt-table-checksum for MySQL replication integrity check. Is it possible to pass some or all of the options using some sort of configuration file? For instance, can we write the ...
Haluk's user avatar
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2 answers

pt-table-checksum help required

I am trying to figure out pt-table-checksum, as I am using it for the first time. It look likes the documentation is complex and not easy to understand stuff. I have a complex replication topology ...
user10011's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL Handler_read_rnd_next == tablescans without indexes?

I am in the process of tuning our Percona 5.5 server, and have been using percona's tools to plot our database's performance. In the MySQL Handlers Plot, i have been noticing alot of "...
tnosaj's user avatar
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pt-table-checksum from remote server

I am using pt-table-checksum for the first time and have some questions that I can't seem to resolve by reading the documentation on Percona's website. Per the documentation, pt-table-checksum ...
computerstreber's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

pt-table-checksum with slaves using non-standard ports

Trying to run pt-table-checksum to detect slave drift in MySQL replication. My slaves are not using the standard TCP listening port however, and so when I run the tool I get an error: Cannot connect ...
wjimenez5271's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fixing tables out of sync as reported by pt-table-checksum, pt-table-sync is not working

I have several tables being reported by pt-table-checksum with CRC_DIFF between my master and slave servers using the following commands: $ pt-table-checksum h=master,u=user,p=password --empty-...
stanleykylee's user avatar