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How to set minimal permissions to change SQL Azure Firewall rules

I have a desktop app that connects to SQL Azure database. Some users have dynamic IP addresses, and it is not possible to get them to use fixed addresses. I've written an ASP.NET page hosted on the ...
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How to prevent user from connecting via SSMS but allow query via .net application connectionstring?

I have been given task to create a SQL login that can be used to query the db via a .net application connection string. But the user shouldn't be able to connect to SQL via SSMS. I have created the ...
variable's user avatar
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Column level security in SQL server

Is it possible to assign column level security in SQL Server directly on a table, without using a view? For example, for table 'tbl', if I want column 1 to be restricted for user 1, is it possible ...
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How to query the effective permission of sql login (windows and/or sql user)?

How to query the SQL server to fetch the effective permission of the following SQL logins under the Security/Logins: SQL user Windows user Windows group
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