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Questions tagged [postgres-13]

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Postgres permissions on table create not propagated

we are working with a postgres database V13. We're facing a problem that previously permissions were just inherited/created when a new table was created. It is not working anymore, when I create a new ...
pau's user avatar
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Autovacuum unable to vacuum which is causing DB reastart of Aurora Postgres DB

(Moved question from stackoverflow to dba.stackexchange) I am using AWS Aurora Postgres 13.8. Now we have around 35-40 replication slots in DB and we dropped few replication slots. The reason for ...
Nik's user avatar
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Why does moving a postgres table from one tablespace to another take so long

Why does moving a postgres table from one tablespace to another take so long (and how can I speed it up) I have a postgres database with two main tablespaces, one on a SDD, the other on magnetic HDD. ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar