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Oracle SQL query slow even with indexes

I have an Oracle 19c database (, and two tables with lots of columns, I'll mention only the relevant ones: table1: createtime date contact_key char(96 byte) table2: contact_key char(96 ...
Gábor Major's user avatar
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How to search text in oracle view

I need to create a filter where I can locate specific text in my views. I tried using the following queries: SELECT OWNER, VIEW_NAME FROM DBA_VIEWS WHERE UPPER(TEXT) LIKE UPPER('%ABC%'); But ...
Igor Oliveira's user avatar
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Querying arrays in JSON fields

The DB is Oracle Database 19c Standard Edition 2 Release - Production Version Suppose we have a table CASE_ISSUES with a JSON field ISSUES_JSON: CASE_ID ISSUES_JSON 105 [{&...
Yimin Rong's user avatar
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Validate "insert", "update", "delete" in the body of a trigger

I need to create a query where I can remove triggers that have "insert", "update" or "delete" in their body from the result. I'm using the following query for this SELECT ...
Igor Oliveira's user avatar
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How to locate a procedure in the body of a trigger

I'd like to perform a validation by capturing all my triggers that call procedures.To do the search, I'm looking for the words "Call" and "Execute" in the trigger body -- I'm using ...
Igor Oliveira's user avatar
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Oracle MAX gives different result than ORDER BY desc

When trying to sort some hexadecimal values I've got a different results for MAX() aggregation and ORDER BY desc sorting: with some_data as ( select '123A55' as hex from dual union all ...
Andy DB Analyst's user avatar
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4 answers

Loop through 30 columns in Oracle DB to check if a value exists

I have a table which contains an ID in column one and that ID can have up to 30 different codes and dates associated with it. ID | CODE_1 | CODE_1_DATE | CODE_2 | CODE_2_DATE | CODE_3 | CODE_3_DATE ...
Rellek's user avatar
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Possible explanation for why "SELECT" query executed from JDBC returning just the first row in the table

I installed OracleDB(XE - free version) and I tried to use it in Java. I have this code: static final String DB_URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/XE"; static final String ...
Bogdan Floareș's user avatar
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Break down integer interval into rows

I'm a developer that uses Oracle database with .Net application. I successfully created a query to return some data that I want, and it returns something like this: cod charac1 charac2 items I001 ...
Erison Rocha's user avatar
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Oracle SQL: Create a new field based on multiplying 2 columns

I think I might be overlooking something obvious here. I'm not asking someone to write the whole code for me, I just need a hint or a link to a similar case, please. I'm posting it without a test case....
Lorenzo Castagno's user avatar
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How To turn a string with "pipe-separated" values into individual rows in Oracle PL/SQL

I have a table with below structure : create table student_info ( item_number number, st_firstname varchar2(50), st_lastname varchar2(50), st_score varchar2(50) ) Here is a ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Multiple records same id retrieval

I have a table with the following structure USERID CONTACT VALUE 1 LANDLINE +12312322334 1 MOBILE +11234567890 1 EMAIL [email protected] 2 LANDLINE +12312322335 2 MOBILE +11234567899 3 LANDLINE +...
Joms DV's user avatar
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Receiving error "can not access rows from a non-nested table item" while working with associative arrays

Below , I'm trying to use the data of the array I've declared, in the where clause of the query but I receive the following error : declare v_input varchar2(400) := '0,1,2,3,4'; type ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Receiving error "Local collection types not allowed" while working with associative arrays

I have an input parameter with this format '0,1,2,3,4' , what I want to do is to declare an array with a variable size (by this I mean the input parameter might be like '0,1' , so the size is not fix),...
Pantea's user avatar
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Converting string with DIN 1421 pattern to human-readable

In the Oracle DB there is a table that stores "DIN"s attribute (VARCHAR2(1200 BYTE)), see a table/image below. Each string follows the DIN 1421 pattern. +------------------+ | DIN ...
Taras's user avatar
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Filtering Data on VARCHAR data type

I have a column. The data type is VARCHAR2. What I am trying to do is write a query to catch only the records that contain a string either in the beginning or end or in the middle. Below is a sample. ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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Procedure updating table with CLOB data type column does not work properly

I have a table with below structure: create table bb_analysisitems_batch ( batch_id number, batch_name varchar2(100), batch_result clob ) There are other ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Add new column based on conditions and the value difference of other column

I think I might be overlooking something obvious here. I'm not asking someone to write the whole code for me, I just need a hint or a link to a similar case. Thanks in advance... My query: select ...
Lorenzo Castagno's user avatar
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Applying conditional statement in Oracle DB

In the Oracle DB there are three tables, see below. Table: 'People' Table: 'Dogs' Table: 'Cats' Here is a Fiddle with data to test :!4/d7cb4 Depending on the result of a ...
Taras's user avatar
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Query to update one column based on the amount of another column

I have a table with below structure : create table Z_TEST_ONE ( col_id NUMBER, bed_amnt NUMBER, bes_amnt NUMBER, bop NUMBER ) Sample data is like this : col_id bed_amnt ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Query to show whether a record is appeared in the previous date or not

I have a table with below structure and sample data: create table TEST_ONE ( purchase_date DATE, customer_id NUMBER ) | purchase_date | customer_id ---------------------------------- |...
Pantea's user avatar
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3 answers

Does using "qb_name()" hint (query block name) in a query have significant effect on performance?

I've just become familiar with the hint "qb_name" (query block name) in Oracle and below you can see an example of using this hint in a query: select /*+ qb_name(main)...
Pantea's user avatar
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Inserting data into the VIEW , result in data being inserted into the original table, why is this happening?

I have a table as you can see below: create table table_test (col_id number(1)) The table has below data: col_id ------ 1 2 3 I create a view based on this table: create view v_table_test as ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Executing a query with a variable in a loop

I have two select, how can I do the same using a loop and a variable in PL SQL Developer. I have: select 1 as nm from dual; select 2 as nm from dual; I need something similar: DECLARE x NUMBER; BEGIN ...
Depeche's user avatar
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How to use PIVOT or LISTAGG to solve this?

I have a table like below. USERID USERNAME ITEM 12345 JESSE ITEM1 12345 JESSE ITEM3 12345 DON ITEM2 12346 DANNY ITEM4 12346 ELISA ITEM1 12347 ANDY ITEM2 12347 ANDY ITEM4 What im trying to ...
Eliza's user avatar
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oracle pl/sql block throwing ORA-00922: missing or invalid option

I have the following segment of oracle pl/sql block DECLARE rec all_tab_columns%ROWTYPE; v_tableName VARCHAR2(100); v_columnName VARCHAR2(100); v_schemaName VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN ...
Rahul's user avatar
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What establish a session?

As an analyst I'm running multiple queries on our Oracle ERP via Power Query (Power BI). Now, I hit some form of session limit on my default profile's session limit. How do you evaluate how many ...
Douwe van der Meer's user avatar
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Oracle 19c Select Query with Database Link

How can I use the following query with database link: set pages 999 col "Size MB" format 999,999,999 col "Objects" format 999,999,999 col OWNER for a25 select obj.owner "Owner&...
jrdba123's user avatar
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Is it possible to nest CASE-statement into WHERE clause?

I am developing an application with FastAPI. It contains a function that brings two variables into a SQL query using the sqlalchemy.sql.text as shown here. SELECT ATTR3 FROM TABLE WHERE ATTR1 = ...
Taras's user avatar
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Facing error "cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID" while trying to capture the execution plan

I'm trying to capture the execution plan of my query on PL/SQL developer as you can see below : select * from vmi_dimcustomer t1 inner join vmi_factcustomer t2 on t1.customer_num = t2....
Pantea's user avatar
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Insert query in Orcale database - not showing the row in a table

I am inserting a row in the Oracle database table. The query looks like as below - INSERT INTO <schema_name>.<Table_name> (SID, LABEL, DESCR, GTI_EXPTYP, GTI_MODUS, GTI_NAME) VALUES (22, '...
dEvOps 's user avatar
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The correct way for generating "Execution plan" for a PL-SQL statement in Oracle

I'm studying about Explain plan and Execution plan in Oracle and according to what I've read so far , The explained plan can differ from the actual plan used during statement execution. So I think ...
Pantea's user avatar
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weird behaviour of NVL(<Column_name>,Sequence.nextval) when the colummn has data?

I've created a sequence like this : CREATE SEQUENCE seq_test2 MINVALUE 0 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1; Both of these two queries show me the number 0: ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Ordering streets by their names and polysyllabic numbers in SQL query

In Oracle DB there is a table with some data: LAG HNR STREET 00020 44 Aachener Straße 00020 44/2 Aachener Straße 00020 44/1 Aachener Straße 00020 46 Aachener Straße 00020 46/6 Aachener Straße ...
Taras's user avatar
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lock and get next n records from table in oracle

I have a oracle table PHONE_NUMBER which has 2 columns PHONE and STATUS PHONE_NUMBER PHONE STATUS 1 U 2 O 3 U U stands for used , O is open/UnUSED . in my input I will get n as input ...
satyesht's user avatar
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How to solve error "ORA:01-006 :bind variable does not exist" when working with bind variables?

I have a table with below structure and data : create table TEST_TABLE ( item_number NUMBER, item_name VARCHAR2(50), item_col VARCHAR2(50), item_pol VARCHAR2(50) ) Sample data: ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Fetch all rows and leave column value empty if no equality match

I have a query where I want to fetch all rows where the value in column x is between 400-600. Including in this I want a matching column value from antoher table. But I want all 200 rows between 400 ...
Burry's user avatar
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Oracle and stopkey of an index range scan?

I am struggling to resolve a performance issue with an Oracle query that is opting to perform a full table scan of a table with several million records. The table is partitioned by month of a ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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Better way of handling incorrect date format in a column with "char(10)" data type / TRY_CONVERT equivalent in PLSQL

I have a source table with below structure: create table customer_info (customer_num number, birth_date char(10)) Unfortunately the birth_date column data type is char(10) instead of date. ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Query to find all dates between two specified dates using plsql

I have a table with below structure create table test_table ( customer_num NUMBER, card_number char(2), card_issue_date DATE, card_expire_date DATE ) Example data is: ...
Pantea's user avatar
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how to get the difference between 2 tables in 2 different schema's in Oracle? [duplicate]

I am using Oracle 11G. I have a table called Tickets in the schema called 'tickets1" I have the same table structure in another schema called 'tickets2' I want to find out What data is the same ...
GettingStarted's user avatar
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Procedure with "bind varibale" does not return the desired result set

I have a table with below structure: create table CUST_MODERN_CHANNEL_BRANCH ( customer_Num NUMBER, channel_Code NUMBER(5) ) Some example data : Customer_Num Channel_Code ========...
Pantea's user avatar
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How to retrieve missing values of an id from a list?

have a data structure that is value/tag inside a table on Oracle sql Lets say I have this structore exTable ID TAG VALUE 1 1 x 1 4 y 2 2 x 2 3 y 2 4 z I want to retrieve the missing tags for a ...
Alfredo Vidal's user avatar
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PL-SQL "LAST_VALUE" function does not give the desired result

I have a table with below structure: create table DOC_AMOUNT_DETAIL ( col_id NUMBER, amount NUMBER, operation_date DATE ) and some example data for this table is : col_id ...
Pantea's user avatar
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PL-SQL query to find the most recent record the "Operation_date" of which is lower than a specified date

I have a table with below structure: create table DOC_AMOUNT_DETAIL ( col_id NUMBER, amount NUMBER, operation_date DATE ) some example data for this table is : col_id | ...
Pantea's user avatar
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SQL Query - Pivot with Ranges

This is my sample table BSEG_ID DST_ID BILL_SQ AUDIT_CALC_AMT BILL_SQ, MSR_PEAK_QTY_SW, DESCR_ON_BILL, VERSION, AUDIT_CALC_AMT 12334 REV-WSC 62 6.40667 For 0 - 60 (Next 62.000 cubic ...
Nabeel's user avatar
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Oracle 11g, show running queries [duplicate]

I've a web application which submits some queries to Oracle 11g. I want to know what are these queries, exactly. I there a way I do this in Oracle 11g? Couldn't do this in the web application itself.
Javad KHI's user avatar
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Query returns NULL - Oracle

I've an Oracle query where I need to get some data on the basis of some records (strings). I am using IN clause and query is working fine in TOAD with hardcoded data. But when I run that query through ...
Naila Akbar's user avatar
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Seperate value of a specific column with "," delimiter in Oracle using "Regular Expression"

I have a table with below structure: create table CUSTOMER_INFO ( cust_id NUMBER, cust_name VARCHAR2(50), cust_address VARCHAR2(50) ) Example Data : cust_id | cust_name | ...
Pantea's user avatar
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Get if field has max value and display value

I need to display Y or N when displaying rows in a report based on the max value for them on their version. If they have multiple versions all of them will display 'N' but the max (last version) will ...
Carlos Alberto Martinez Martin's user avatar