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Oracle Database 19c. Please also tag oracle for search purposes

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Oracle 19 Upgrade TIMEZONE_VERSION

I upgraded Oracle 19 TIMEZONE_VERSION from 32 to 36. I used this tutorial If I connect with sqlplus / as sysdba and run SELECT * FROM v$timezone_file; ...
Geeku's user avatar
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Oracle_Database_19C: dba_datapump_jobs

We're having an Oracle database 19c, in that few dumps was there. Regarding this we've kept the scheduled backup jobs for keep maintain the dump backups. But in these 2 dumps getting the error as ...
VEERA - INFOWAY's user avatar
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Link DB Oracle11g to Oracle19c

Question? is there a way or possible way to Connect Oracle11g and Oracle19c Database the Scenario is Oracle11g Table1 transfer specific Columns of data to Oracle19c Table2 same column structure for ...
Ian's user avatar
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Still Have Result "CREATE PACKAGE" in SQL Statement for Assest Unified Auditing Oracle 19C

I followed CIS Recomendation for Unified Auditing to add audit option CREATE PACKAGE in audit policy CIS_UNIFIED_AUDIT_POLICY. I already created it and enabled it, here is the capture : But, after I ...
M. Fachrizal Utama's user avatar
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Sleeping for a random amount of time in a stored procedure

A vendor application we're using utilizes multiple processes (not threads) spread across multiple computers, one for each processing core available. When asked for a batch of calculations, the ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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What happened to Oracle's COUNTDISTINCT() function? [closed]

I need the count of unique values, and am trying to use Oracle's COUNTDISTINCT() function to obtain that: select COUNTDISTINCT(a.m_label) from user_rep a, user_group_rep b, trn_grp_rep c ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Is there a web interface for managing users and tablespaces in oracle 19c

I just installed Oracle 19c on Red Hat and would like a graphical way of managing users and tablespaces. I enabled EM Express but the new interface (omx) does not allow to manage users, and the old (...
eppesuig's user avatar
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How to print content of refcursor within a PL/SQL procedure?

This question concerns Oracle PL/SQL (Oracle version 12c/19c) and Oracle SQL Developer (version 20.4). I have a procedure which calls a dynamically generated SELECT statement and save results into ...
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VKTM detected a forward time drift in oracle database 19c

I'm running an Oracle 19c Standard Edition 2 database (version on a Linux server, and I've been seeing repeated warnings related to time drift detected by the VKTM process. Below are some ...
Tomasz Myszak's user avatar
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How do I resolve an intermittent oracle error when trying to call an external dll: ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent?

I've been seeing an intermittent oracle error for a few weeks when trying to call an external procedure/dll. The message received is: ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent Has ...
Chip Douglas's user avatar
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dot in REGEXP_LIKE pattern

begin if NOT REGEXP_LIKE('-', '^[[:alpha:][:digit:][:space:]-./]*$') then dbms_output.put_line ('NOT') ; else dbms_output.put_line ('OK') ; end if ; end ; it gives: OK ...
Marek's user avatar
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New Oracle Reincation created

I have an Oracle 19c environment, where the primary has a standby and the standby has its own standby (Cascading DR). Somehow the standby's DR's incarnation changed to a new one. In the logs, I get ...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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How does table partitioning size affect query performance?

In my system, I have a set of Oracle 19c database tables which stored temparary data, which are getting expired. I have a solution where I partitioned these tables with the create timestamp of these ...
LLS's user avatar
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How have other DBAs gotten around the lack of Oracle documentation for installing Oracle 19c on Red Hat Linux 9 without using ASMLib?

For one of our applications, we are trying to stack validate running our application on RHEL9 and Oracle19c. We currently use RHEL7 and ASMLib, but ASMLib is not currently available for RHEL9. We don'...
ArgeeSix's user avatar
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oracle 19c user getting EXPIRED & LOCKED within several minutes when all password related settings in its profile are set to unlimited

I cannot understand why the account in Oracle 19c NON-CDB database getting locked few minutes later after creation. Audit trail is not configured. I'm running the database in container, it's Oracle ...
bezraznizi's user avatar
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Rotate encryption key for asm tde wallet oracle 19c

I have 1 database that has the tde encryption wallet located in ASM rather than o/s I now need to rotate the encryption key. I normally do this by changing the key ob one node then copying to the ...
anne scott's user avatar
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ORA-65139: Mismatch Between XML Metadata File And Data File

I have two systems - SYS1, SYS2(stand alone). On both is running an oracle 19c database. I want to create a plugable database from SYS1 and want to plug in the SYS2 database. I created the pluggable ...
ca2510fl's user avatar
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Compressing partitioned tables in Oracle 19c

I am compressing partitioned tables. before partitioned tables, I tried normal tables with the follwoing steps: DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE( uname => 'USER', orig_table => '...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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Oracle temporary tablespace performance

I'm looking for ways to improve my database performance for heavy analytical queries and found that my temp tablespace has 1M extents (default for uniform tablespace). With my usual temp tablespace ...
Andy DB Analyst's user avatar
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Oracle Data Pump Export (expdp) how to exit if invalid credentials and not wait to provide valid one?

Execution: Export: Release - Production on Thu May 9 07:58:59 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. UDE-01017: operation ...
Jakub P's user avatar
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Oracle SQL query slow even with indexes

I have an Oracle 19c database (, and two tables with lots of columns, I'll mention only the relevant ones: table1: createtime date contact_key char(96 byte) table2: contact_key char(96 ...
Gábor Major's user avatar
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Facing cyptographic checksum error

I am randomly however very very frequently facing the following error while running query from pro*c. Pro*C is running on the same Linux as the Oracle DB so network should not be an issue. SQL Code [-...
pOrinG's user avatar
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Tryting to export data from one table but got error

I'm new to database export/import stuffs (as I'm not DBA), and I'm recently tasked to develop a housekeeping script which include the export data pump (expdp) subtask. But for some reasons, when I run ...
NEET UI's user avatar
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Create an index at oracle sql server on tablespace

I want to create an index of type context on a tablespace different from the one the table is. Also I want to pass parameters. The data type of ATTACH_BIN is BLOB. CREATE INDEX ATT_INDEX ON ...
Nick's user avatar
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Issues with v$archived_log - Oracle 19c

I have a standby database, on which I executed the command: alter database recover managed standby database cancel and it was executed successfully - The complication I am facing is: When I execute: ...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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RMAN: restore not done; all files read only, offline, excluded, or already restored

I did a hot RMAN backup of a server running Oracle 19c database, then moved the backup to a new server. This is the backupscript BACKUP AS compressed BACKUPSET INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0 FORMAT '...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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Migration of Data Guard HW Servers to Cloud Servers

I'm looking for information & advice on the best way to migrate from a hardware Oracle 19c Data Guard server pair to an Oracle 19c Cloud Data Guard server pair. Our configurations currently are: ...
P_J's user avatar
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Oracle 19c and 21c expdp exports dumpfile of 308kb without any content

Trying to export schema using the following command on several Oracle instances: two 19c and one 21c $ expdp mySchema/myPwd@ORCL Adding CONTENT=ALL or SCHEMA=mySchema or SCHEMA=MYSCHEMA or DUMPFILE=...
Vy8's user avatar
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How can I check the current memory management mode for an oracle database instance?

I have a vendor requesting that Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM) is configured to a certain threshold for an existing oracle database (version 19c) hosted on a windows box. As usual Oracle ...
Eric Swiggum's user avatar
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How to migrate from Oracle 11g Single Instance residing on a Azure Linux VM to Oracle 19c RAC?

What are the different ways to migrate from Oracle 11g Single Instance residing on a Azure Linux VM to Oracle 19c RAC on Azure VMs?
Sunil Bopanna's user avatar
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ORA-19504: failed to create file "bh2jk0h7_1_1"

I want to create a script to get incremental backup of the remote Oracle database every week. I save this command in and give permission to it: BACKUP INCREMENTAL LEVEL 0 DATABASE ...
M_Gh's user avatar
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RMAN ERROR: BACKUP command not found

I have an Oracle database 19c with IP, x.x.x.a that have a lot of important tables. I want to get backup of that and save it on another system with IP,x.x.x.b. I did this actions on the x.x.x.b system:...
M_Gh's user avatar
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How to fix high px deq slave session stats in Oracle RDS

We are seeing some high percentage of "px deq slave session stats" waits in our Production database.(this maintained on AWS RDS). Due to which outage is happening many times from searching ...
Arun's user avatar
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Duplicating from active database fails at connection

I'm trying to duplicate a database from active database, but it seems like my connection is blocked on my auxiliary. I'm using ASM just4info. Target DB: listener.ora: LISTENER = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = ...
paganini's user avatar
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Oracle returns invalid number of rows on json_table

When I run following query on Oracle 19, it returns 27 record instead of 30, and I cannot understand why, as I am expecting 30 records: select * from json_table('{"values":[[1,120674124,...
Amir Pashazadeh's user avatar
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dblogin cannot connect to SYSTEM DSN

I'm trying to install golden on Window Server. I try to connect to SQL Server 2019 with dblogin and got the error in the picture. Any idea how to solve it?
KhoiNguyen's user avatar
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oracle pdb Relocation to new server

We plan to migrate the data (8 PDBS with at least 50 TB Data) of our old oracle server 19c to the new one (same version) and we must do this task with minimal or no downtime. For this reason we can ...
TimLer's user avatar
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Oracle latch:shared pool waits causes application disconnection

I'm in need of help regarding some very weird behaviour on 1 of my production Oracle 19c database. This database was upgraded from 11g some time ago & after the upgrades the applications had been ...
Jason Oon's user avatar
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Connection rejected based on ACL filtering, but the ACL is disabled?

I'm trying to connect to an Oracle Cloud database through DataGrip (with JetBrains's instructions) but I'm getting an error: DBMS: Oracle (no ver.) Case sensitivity: plain=mixed, delimited=exact [...
andyinnie's user avatar
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oracle disconnect sometime

Oracle sql version is 19c. I have encountered one issue that Oracle sql sometime will disconnect and then auto connect. How can I find the cause? To get error, so write below. try { OracleConnection } ...
Jun's user avatar
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oracle 19c rac cluster nodes show in different time zones

working on an oracle 19c 2-node rac cluster. we were running awr reports when we noted in sys.dba_hist_snapshot that the cluster nodes were in different time zones. We have validated that our ...
2ps's user avatar
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RMAN backup restoration

I am trying to restore a RMAN backup to a different server. I needed some clarifications/guidance. This is the location for datafiles in database 1: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/db1/datafile This is the ...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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we can connect sqlplus / as sysdba but get error ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

i have errror when connect with sqlplus / as sysdba, but i can connect sqlplus sys/oracle@db as sysdba, could you give me advise regarding this problem,, [oracle@rac1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: ...
DIQ_DUN's user avatar
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Oracle SELECT FOR UPDATE on a single row with ORDER BY: ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc

I have a control table and want to be able to select for update a single row in this control table. However, using an ORDER BY and WHERE rownum = 1 along with a FOR UPDATE results in ORA-02014: cannot ...
Matthew Moisen's user avatar
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19c database suddenly using CBO on a certain query

We have had a performance problem on a particular APEX screen, ever since we had to perform a Dataguard failover 10 days ago. I'd put it down to general system load until I investigated more deeply ...
Carlovski's user avatar
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Wrong cardinality estimation after gathering statistics ORACLE

We have a large table range partitioned by month. Incremental statistics turned on. After scheduled statistics gathering cardinality estimation become weird, like select count(*) from my_table where ...
Andy DB Analyst's user avatar
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ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup and ORA-28365: wallet is not open

I have been taking backup of my database daily, and for some reason, I suddenly got this error ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup ORA-28365: wallet is not open this is my databases's current ...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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How to restore backup of Oracle Database unto same server where original database is running (and not allowed to shutdown original database)

I'm using RMAN, it's Oracle 19c and non-CDB (stand-alone). The problem is that the restored database has to have a different name, since the original database is already running on that server. ...
baffy's user avatar
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Can I audit all actions of a database role?

I know from AskTom that we can audit all actions of a particular user account, e.g.: create audit policy test_audit_policy actions all when q'!sys_context('userenv', 'session_user') = '...
Thorsten Kettner's user avatar
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Can I actively renounce roles given to me?

I am a database developer. Over the many years working in the same company I have been granted many database roles. Many more than I should actually have. I know I could make a list of the roles I don'...
Thorsten Kettner's user avatar