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Questions tagged [recursive]

Using recursion to solve database problems.

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3 votes
0 answers

Why does retrieving fewer rows take longer? [duplicate]

I have a view that (left outer) joins multiple recursive CTEs. There are about 10k rows. The results of running SELECT * FROM MyView ORDER BY MyPrimaryKey, with statistics time and io on: SQL Server ...
1 vote
1 answer

hierarchical retreival of records in postgresql

I am using postgresql-9.2 . I have a table of products which stores the information about the products and its child table is content table , which contains the products linked to it. PRODUCT MASTER ...
3 votes
1 answer

PL/pgSQL function or rCTE to detect depth of relations between two tables

I need to perform a PostgreSQL Function for checking the depth of relations. There is a circular binding from table a to b, back to another element in a and, in some cases back again to b. These ...
2 votes
1 answer

Recursive calls in stored procedure and temporary tables

I am trying to create a stored procedure in PostgreSQL which has recursive calls. The procedure creates a temporary table to store results. The temporary table isn't dropped after first call due to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Oracle Hierarchical query: with two node attributes NodeId and NodeType

I have the following use case where I want to make use of hierarchical queries to get the desired result. In my use case I have two types of node say 'A' and 'B'. So the unique identifier of node is ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can I reduce recursion in Couchbase?

Sometimes, you need to access a certain document (A), but you do not know the key for that document (A), as that data is stored in a different document (B). So now, if you want to fetch A, it looks ...
2 votes
1 answer

Intentionally recursive instead of insert trigger does not want to nest

I have been struggling to get an instead of trigger to recursively call itself. The idea is that when a row gets inserted into my table the trigger is placed on, based upon certain conditions ...
4 votes
1 answer

Making a recursive CTE like query, but for many records

I have a table with a hierarchy ( with a recursive parentID column), for one record, I know how to get the last parent record, with the following code : declare @Id integer ;WITH CTE AS ( SELECT ...
2 votes
1 answer

Recursive Query in MySQL using stored proceedure and CURSOR

I'm expanding our user/group system to allow for dynamic groups which are made up of other groups members. I have three tables users, groups, and relationships. For simplicity sake, lets say users ...
2 votes
2 answers

SQL Server - Recursive "find all FK connections for ID through the entire DB" query

I'm dealing with a DB with hundreds of tables, with interconnecting FK references producing potentially thousands of different permutations for how for example table A and table K can join together. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Flatten recursive hierarchy

I have the following recursive query: SELECT SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH(object_name, '\') AS path FROM user_group_nodes START WITH parent_id = '2892107544AA2278166C1AA8D123E761' CONNECT BY parent_id = PRIOR ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I query a table with many trees of data, for one tree?

I have a the NAICS schema loaded and all is working well. However I'm confused as how I'd query it in Postgrseql? The table looks something like this, =========NAICS_2012========= naics | ...

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