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Questions tagged [reserved-word]

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3 answers

Is the keyword "ALIAS" actually used?

According to PostgreSQL 7.1 through 9.1 (now unsupported), ALIAS is listed as a reserved word, at least for SQL-99. Later versions do not show it - suggesting that it has been dropped as a reserved ...
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trigger can't access column loop

SSCCE: The following script: $ cat test.sql CREATE TABLE ( loop INTEGER ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.foo_fun(loop INTEGER) RETURNS BOOLEAN AS $$ SELECT TRUE; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; ...
Marcus Junius Brutus's user avatar
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System-level way to enforce that reserved words may not be used for Oracle column names?

Is there a way in Oracle 12c to enforce that reserved words / keywords may not be used as column names? I am aware that it is not good practice to use keywords in this way. However from what we have ...
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