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SQL Server Database I/O Consistency Error Disaster Recovery

I have a corrupted SQL Database that is inacessible by any means. It is to the point that simple commands, like USE MyDatabase, won't execute. The error I get is: SQL Server detected a logical ...
joaocarlosib's user avatar
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Cannot open backup device 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\‪D:\DB_backup\uni.bak'

I have 2 database backup files casa.bak (25 GB) and uni.bak (176 GB) in the same folder. I'm using the same script to restore the database for both files previously both were working successfully. Now ...
Muzammal arshad's user avatar
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dbcc checkdb errors, or msg 601 when restoring SQL 2012 backup to SQL 2016

I need to move two databases, WES and WILL from a Win2012/SQL2012 instance to a Win2016/SQL2016 instance for a software upgrade. I'm using the full backup files from the SQL2012 maintenance plans. I'...
JeffH's user avatar
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Microsoft SQL Standard 2012 DB recovery without .BAK file?

Morning, I'm posting for some guidance on an issue we're up against. We had a server crash and don't have .BAK file for our SQL DB (the backup/images failed). Anyhow, we DO have a file level backup of ...
Josh G's user avatar
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How Restore backup as overwrite on a database in use in SQL Server? [closed]

I Want to restore a backup with overwriting on a database in use for this problem I want to create a query base on these steps : 1- Remove All Connections [MyDB] 2- Create a backup from [MyDB] 3- ...
Mojtabah's user avatar
5 votes
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Size Requirement of SQL Database

I have been asked this question in an interview that how much would be the DB size for a standalone SQL server if 650MB of data is processed every month. I couldn't give any answer to this question in ...
jchat's user avatar
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6 votes
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SQL Server: Get location of transaction log from MDF file

Our SQL Server 2012 Express server crashed and lost some data. We managed to rescue the main MDF, but can't find the LDF. Is there a way to get this information from the database MDF file or msdb, or ...
Rick's user avatar
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2 answers

Associate BAK file with SQL Server database

One of our users deleted a lot of data from one of our database applications, and I need to find a way to restore it. I have a bak file and full recovery mode, but there is a catch. This bak file is ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

Differential Backup of A Table In Sql Server

I will transfer the datas of a two different table to a database in reporting server Daily but i don't want to do it manually and also don't want to transfer all the datas to that databases everyday. ...
Furkan Yılmaz's user avatar
1 vote
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Incremental backup between now and backup taken one week ago

We do a full backup of our SQL Server 2012 database every night. A new developer needs an incremental (or differential) backup of a backup we took one week ago. The reason is that for them, ...
UKcentric's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Restore previous version of database in sql server

I need your help on restoring previous version of database on SQL Server. In last week I restored database 'A' in DEV server with it's production copy and didn't realize that this database 'A' in ...
user2040021's user avatar
7 votes
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After Restoring Log Shipping to Secondary Server, First Stored Procedure Execution is Slow

We've set up log shipping to a secondary SQL server on Standby/ Read-Only to offload all SSRS report generation. This works fine within the restrictions imposed by: Kicking out the user during the ...
RIanGillis's user avatar
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Restoring database with less data than the backup file

I'm not really experienced with DBA and SQL, so I need some recommendations from you. I have a production database backup file, however it is very large, so when I'm executing restore, for example, ...
J.J.Redic's user avatar
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Server version error where restoring backup with SQL Server Management Studio

I have SSMS v17.9.1 freshly installed. I believe the only later versions as of this post's date and time are only preview versions. I am attempting to restore a .bak file. I get the error that: The ...
pnizzle's user avatar
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5 answers

.bak file not visible for restoration

There is a database on a server of which I would like a copy on my local machine for testing purposes, so I created a backup in the default disk location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\...
Exoskeletor's user avatar
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Archiving SQL Server data on disk to be pottentially restored

Right now, we are backing up data per table into text/CSV files per month. This works fine for fairly small tables. For bigtables, the text files become so big that the restore process for a month ...
JohnG's user avatar
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Restoring from a backup having dynamic file names

I want to restore a backup from a set of multiple files. The file names are generated dynamically. I have to restore the UAT with that backup. I need to schedule a job for this restore. This is SQL ...
J. D.'s user avatar
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LSN mentioned in Backup is missing in Backupset

I was testing some restore scenario for one of my requirement. SO while i was restoring i got the below error. --Msg 4305, Level 16, State 1, Line 79 --The log in this backup set begins at LSN ...
user9516827's user avatar
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Automating DB Restore from network share

We have a network share that uses different credentials from the currently logged in user. Inside this share we have full, differential and log backups that come through from a third party database ...
Asher's user avatar
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Does a backup include dropped, hidden columns still in a table's physical structure?

If I have a table with an NVARCHAR(MAX) column and I drop it, the standard way to reclaim the space it used is to either: Rebuild the clustered index or Run DBCC CLEANTABLE If I didn't perform ...
LowlyDBA - John M's user avatar
4 votes
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Single user mode while restoring database

Is it necessary to put the database into single user mode before restoring a database? If so which one is more preferable putting the sql server into single user mode or putting the database only into ...
SqlNovice's user avatar
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Error in using sp_describe_first_result_set with Restore [closed]

Is querying the backup metadata with sp_describe_first_result_set system sp supported? For example the query: SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set (N'RESTORE HEADERONLY FROM DISK =''...
Stackoverflowuser's user avatar
4 votes
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Does SQL Server re-create system databases if they are lost/missing?

We have a third-party server backup tool running every 24 hours, which backs up everything (files and database in preparation for a bare-metal restore). After much investigation, it emerged that the ...
EvilDr's user avatar
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Cannot restore database with transaction log

I make every day at 0300 AM a Full Backup (NOT a COPY-ONLY) of a database (11 GB) and every minute (from 03:05AM till 02:55AM) a TRANSACTION LOG Backup. When I tried to Restore to a point in Time eg ...
ArnieD's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012 Rebuild RAID Array

We had a bunch of disks fail in the RAID 10 that holds the data, logs, and backups drives on a SQL Server 2012 on Win 2012R2 OS. The OS and DB Server instance are in a separate RAID array. Working ...
Josh's user avatar
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5 votes
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Need suggestion on Back up Strategy [closed]

Our client has agreed to an RPO of one day data loss. So I am going to change back up strategy to eliminate space constraints. Database is in full recovery mode. Existing backup plan:- Once daily ...
Chanukya's user avatar
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4 answers

Can't restore sql bak file to a new database

I can't seem to restore a bak file to the same server but a new database. It works fine if I do it on another computer. I use SQL Server 2012 through SSMS. Everytime I do it it says Exclusive access ...
iceman2992's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to restore a SQL Server 2012 Standard backup to a SQL Server 2012 Web Edition instance?

If I take a backup from a SQL Server 2012 Standard edition instance can I restore it to a SQL Server 2012 Web edition instance?
Corey Burnett's user avatar
3 votes
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Database lost, after recovery performance is disastrous [closed]

The unthinkable happened. One of my colleagues mixed up servers and dropped my database by mistake. Then we found out that there were no backups. I had it scripted some time ago, so most of the work ...
AcePL's user avatar
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Restoring database backup makes identity column start at 1 again

I created a backup of our database in SSMS 2012, using Tasks -> Backup as a Full Backup, including all data. When I restore this backup on another server (2012 as well), all identity columns are ...
F.P's user avatar
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Restore Error: Could not upgrade the metadata

I am trying to restore a database from a Prod environment (11.0.6020.0) to a lower environment server (11.0.3128.0). I realize the lower has an older SP, we are working on correcting that now. The ...
MrTCS's user avatar
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Change the database from restoring state to standby mode

I have a SQL Server 2012 database that must be always in 'standby' mode because I must restore transaction logs from a vendor database to my local database on stand by restoring option. It has been ...
Lily's user avatar
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SQL Server: DB STARTUP blocking processes

I am trying to run DBCC CHECKTABLE (or CHECKDB, same result), but I keep getting this error: Check statement aborted. Database contains deferred transactions. I've made some researches and found ...
Viktor Wessel's user avatar
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Use Netbackup 7.7 `WITH KEEP_CDC`

I'm using SQL Server Change Data Capture in a production database. To my surprise, I found that when restoring that database to a lower environment the CDC data is not kept—all the tables, functions, ...
ErikE's user avatar
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Error 468 MS SQL Server : Couldn't resolve collation conflict between Arabic_CI_AI and Arabic_CI_AS when enumerating publications

When I try to expand the list of local publications under Replication element in SQ Server Management Studio, I get the following error : Here is the detailed error log : =============================...
mounaim's user avatar
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Attempting to restore this backup may encounter storage space problems & Exclusive access Error

I would like to say that as one of POS database when i am try to Restore verifyonly from disk=N'C:\POS Backup File\SLQ.bak'; from TSQL. I am getting the below message like this. Attempting to ...
Md Haidar Ali Khan's user avatar
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Restore a clustered SQL database from a specific time

I have a 2-node clustered Lab SQL Server and I need to restore the database to the previous day state. This is my first time to try a restore in a cluster. I have a full recovery model and since this ...
trevzeuq's user avatar
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Backup set expire option - Backup SQL Server 2012

I had seen an option while taking a backup i.e. set backup expire date, I have a doubt. What does this mean: Backup will be no longer valid after date DD/MM/YYYY? Backup declared with option, is it ...
Siva's user avatar
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Restore a SQL Server 2012 backup file in SQL Server 2016/2014

I have SQL Server 2012 backup files and want to restore these to SQL Server 2016/2014. Will it work? I need to find this out before I uninstall SQL Server 2012.
KaviSuja's user avatar
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Should the database service be restarted after performing a restore?

Given: a database backup of >100G uncompressed disk space SQL Server 2012 Instance Dev/Test system host (Non-production) Is it better to restart the MS SQL Server, Agent, etc services after ...
Eris's user avatar
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SQL Server 2012 database stuck restoring

I'm trying to restore my development database DEV with a backup of my production database PROD. Every time I go through this process, the DEV database gets stuck in a Restoring state. Using the SQL "...
user1172282's user avatar
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Restoring a backup of 1 database to another puts both databases into Restoring mode

We have a 2 databases- Staging Test At times, we refresh out Test environment with a copy of Staging. We do this by taking a full backup of the Staging database and restoring it over the Test ...
Lock's user avatar
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A tail-log backup of the source database will be taken ? Why I am seeing this warning

I took a backup of a database from 1st server (which runs SQL Server 2014). When I try to restore the backup to a 2nd server (which runs SQL Server 2012) I get this warning message: Warning ...
Pramod Raut's user avatar
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Copy one database to another (existing) database on the same server

I have a "Live" database and a "Development" database and occasionally, I want to replace the entire contents of the development database with the live data. Ideally, without taking the live database ...
nikie's user avatar
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Restore a database with compression on a non-enterprise edition SQL Server

Is it possible to restore a compressed an object from backup without the Enterprise Edition? I'm getting the following error after a RESTORE DATABASE operation. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 ...
user193130's user avatar
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Restore accidentally truncated table

I truncated the wrong table, but I have a backup made an hour before the incident. I am trying to restore but at 30% I get the error: Restore of database 'msdb1740' failed. (Microsoft.SqlServer....
Dren79's user avatar
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SQL Server Backup - move to new server - Media Failure

I've got a server in the UK with SQL Server 2008. It's very locked down firewall-wise. We want a local duplicate of the DB to test and build a new report. Backing up the relevant DB, and then ...
Katastic Voyage's user avatar
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Restore Database Wizard not launching

I'm using SQL Server Management Studio 2012 and trying to use the 'Restore' functionality to copy an existing database into a new one. This is something I've done a dozen times before, but I'm ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Error 909 restoring a database on Standard Edition

I ran into a problem with SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition (64-bit). I have rebuilt a system with the exact same specifications for software as it had been built previously (Windows 2012, SQL Server ...
npderi's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Unable to create restore plan due to break in LSN chain

My backup plan is: Full backup - once a day Differential backup - every four hours Transaction Log backup - every 30 minutes. All database backup are stored on my computer. I add some wrong ...
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