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How to order databases by size? (For use in full backups)

Recently, I've been trying to make our company's full backup process more efficient. In order to do this, my team has decided that instructing the backup job to tackle the full backups starting with ...
hemuxin's user avatar
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My SSMS is bringing wrong object in "Script Stored Procedure as" > "CREATE To" > "New Query Editor Window"

When I go to Object Explorer and expand down to Stored Procedures (or Tables), right-click on one of them and choose "Script Stored Procedure / Table as" > "CREATE To" > "New Query Editor Window", it ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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Cannot script stored procedure while restoring another copy of current db

I have some large DB that I need to restore to another db from time to time, this process take some time to conclude. The annoying thing I found out in last version of SSMS is that I cannot script any ...
sepupic's user avatar
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How to save SSMS 2012 Object Explorer Scripting Settings?

I'm generating a bunch of object creation scripts in SSMS 2012, using the Object Explorer context menu. The default options for these generated scripts are not to my liking (for example, I want the ...
Rebeccah's user avatar
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How to investigate non-specific Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard errors

I am trying to use the Generate and Publish Scripts wizard in SSMS 2012 against a 2012 SQL instance and am getting errors. Trying to generate a schema-only script of the tables and schemas. I allowed ...
IanG's user avatar
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How to migrate a database from 2016 to 2014 if there are encrypted/locked objects(SPs) associated with it?

I am trying to migrate a database from 2016 to 2014 through Task-->Generate Scripts. There are some stored procedures that are locked and seems like they are encrypted as well. They are causing ...
user2664231's user avatar