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1 answer

PostgreSQL unaccent and full text search for Arabic/Persian

I'm using an application that uses PostgreSQL as its database and it uses the unaccent extension to normalize text. I want to improve its search functionality by modifying the unaccent.rules file. I ...
M.A. Heshmat Khah's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove spaces and replace characters with regexp_replace()

I wish to ... ... remove spaces ... delete apostrophes ... replace 'é' and 'è' with 'e' I use the function regexp_replace(). For the moment, I can delete the spaces but poorly. Indeed, when the ...
fcka's user avatar
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2 answers

PostgreSQL's unaccent function is unable to remove accents (diacritic signs) from Japanese characters like 'ド'

The postgresql out of box unaccent function is unable to remove accents (diacritic signs) with more then one diacritic in a character. The character 'ド' which is failing for normalisation have 2 ...
shailesh Totale's user avatar
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Postgresql full text search without diacritics (effective unaccent)

I've similliar question as Postgres full text search with unaccent and inflection (conjugation, etc.) . I want to use FTS but in "unaccent" mode. I'll explain with the example. The "...
Trigve's user avatar
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1 answer

"Function unaccent(text) does not exist" in update trigger

I've created a trigger for table x1 to update a column y with the expression to_tsvector(unaccent(x1.col1 || ' ' || x2.col1)). This trigger function throws: function unaccent(text) does not exist ...
Alb's user avatar
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Trigram similarity (pg_trgm) with German umlauts

I try to figure out how to improve Postgres 10.6 pg_trgm queries with German umlauts (äöü). In german 'ö' can be written as 'oe'. But beware: not every 'oe' can be written as 'ö'. CREATE TABLE public....
Stephan's user avatar
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'text search dictionary "unaccent" does not exist' entries in postgres log, supposedly during automatic analyze

I have many such entries in the postgresql main log, ever since upgrading to Postgres 10: 2018-03-28 08:51:00.281 CEST [97547] ERROR: text search dictionary "unaccent" does not exist 2018-03-28 08:...
P.Péter's user avatar
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Custom unaccent rules in heroku

We have an application running in heroku and we want to add a search feature on a field that contains greek characters and we want to make it accent agnostic. So the idea is to use postgresql's ...
George Karanikas's user avatar
6 votes
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Creating a case-insensitive and accent/diacritics insensitive search on a field

I would like to know if it makes sense to create an index combining two functions while using Full Text Search: lower(name) and f_unaccent(name) Where f_unaccent is just my wrapper to make unaccent ...
Rubén_ic's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Postgres full text search with unaccent and inflection (conjugation, etc.)

I want to be able to search unaccented phrases in an inflected (Polish) language in Postgres. Say, if a document contains robiłem, the lexeme should be robić (the infinivite). Its forms are robię, ...
Tomek's user avatar
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3 answers

How to speed up string cleanup function?

I need to cleanup a string, so that certain ASCII code characters are left out of the string, and others are replaced. I am new to Postgres. My function ufn_cie_easy() performs way too slow: DECLARE ...
W. Smets's user avatar
2 votes
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PostgreSQL translate special characters?

Description: PostgreSQL 9.3 String: 'ì ằ ú ề' Desired Result: 'i a u e' My code: select translate ('ì ằ ú ề', 'ìằúề', 'iaue') ; -- it works. Result: i a u e Question: If I use it this way, I ...
Luan Huynh's user avatar
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'ERROR: text search dictionary "unaccent" does not exist' during CREATE INDEX?

I'm running PostgreSQL 9.3 on Mac OS X Yosemite. I try to create an unaccent lowercase trigram index. To achieve it I did this: mydb=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm SCHEMA public VERSION "1.1"; ...
Balázs E. Pataki's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Error during pg_restore: text search dictionary "unaccent" does not exist

I'm trying to move data between servers. I recreated the whole database structure, checked that same users exist and the unaccent extension that we use is enabled for all schemas of the target ...
jezzarax's user avatar
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3 answers

How to query efficiently from Postgres to select special words?

Let's say that I have a table called words with very many records. Columns are id and name. In the words table I have for example: 'systematic', 'سلام','gear','synthesis','mysterious', etc. NB: ...
Alireza's user avatar
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