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Neil McGuigan's user avatar
Neil McGuigan's user avatar
Neil McGuigan
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
6 votes

What is the best practices for storing sales tax rates?

6 votes

Create Materialized View from foreign table

6 votes

What are we Doing when we Connect to SQL Server?

5 votes

Why is Server Configuration in Pgadmin3 inaccessible for me?

5 votes

Need help designing table with list of IDs to store

5 votes

How to determine if postgres database contains GiST indexes and what type?

5 votes

What's the quickest way to periodically export PostgreSQL data to a local file on Windows?

5 votes

Modeling invoices and orders

4 votes

Alternatives to NULL for missing data

4 votes

Does the PostgreSQL COPY command have the option of choosing which fields to map the CSV columns to?

4 votes

Is it ever good practice to use a distinct database account for each user of an application?

4 votes

Two substantially different but similar cases: Are they the same in terms of table cadinality?

3 votes

Import CSV in Postgres with static data in other columns

3 votes

Limited utility in RECURSIVE VIEWS?

3 votes

How can I query for terms like "@foo" with Postgres full text search?

3 votes

Why add indexes to these columns in the Database?

3 votes

Enforcing database integrity

3 votes

Coding an accounting database from scratch?

3 votes

What free database software support sequences

3 votes

Complete list of possible database "objects"?

3 votes

Multiple parents and multiple children in product categories

3 votes

Should I create a separate user table for different web products within the same platform?

3 votes

Open source and commercial tools to build dynamic queries of fact tables in star schema

3 votes

PostgreSQL: Foreign key on string column

3 votes

Performance impact of adding a foreign key to a 1M rows table

3 votes

Fuzzy Matching with Postgresql 9.3

3 votes

Importing CSV into multiple tables using PostgreSQL

3 votes

Get column names and data types of a query, table or view

3 votes

Building dependence between regional data (Street -> City -> PostalCode -> Country)

3 votes

Is my ERD valid for airports,cities and airlines database?

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