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Neil McGuigan's user avatar
Neil McGuigan
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
43 votes

What are Measures and Dimensions in Cubes

36 votes

Ready-to-Use Database models example

20 votes

Function Performance

19 votes

Is there a name for this database schema of key values?

18 votes

Feasible to have thousands of users in Postgres?

17 votes

Is there any difference at all between NUMERIC and DECIMAL?

17 votes

Efficiently storing irregular/repeating intervals (think calendar/events)

16 votes

Can a PostgreSQL Trigger be used to ignore an insert?

15 votes

PostgreSQL equivalent of MySQL query variables?

14 votes

Plural vs Singular Table Name

10 votes

How to set a search_path default on a psql cmd execution?

9 votes

Does PostgreSQL allow multiple grantees in GRANT commands?

9 votes

How to create a Postgres trigger to ensure field is non-updateable

9 votes

How to implement business logic permissions in PostgreSQL (or SQL in general)?

9 votes

postgresql bigserial or sequence using jpa

9 votes

Best practices on common person fields (Name, email, address, gender etc...)

8 votes

Is polling the only way for updating app's data from a database?

8 votes

PostgreSQL, what is the hostname address of my default database?

8 votes

How to make middle and suffix matching using full text search?

8 votes

Two names for a column

7 votes

Is there a term for a table that has an "effective date" column?

7 votes

How do I use an Ispell dictionary with Postgres text search?

7 votes

Multiple instances of same foreign key in a single table

6 votes

Why do large images stored in database hurt performance

6 votes

PostgreSQL: schema diff/patch tool

6 votes

Postgres full text search with multiple columns, why concat in index and not at runtime?

6 votes

Postgres DDL and DML best practices and coding standards

6 votes

Database design - People and Organisations

6 votes

how to enable temporal database capability in mysql.?

6 votes

How to store and query products the price of which depends on a complex set of conditions?

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