Not sure if anyone has run into this problem before and I am going a little bit crazy.

I am exporting a table from SQL Server 2014 using BCP to a tab delimited text file and then uploading the file to PostgreSQL 9.5 using COPY.

exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp tempdb.dbo.##MyTable out "C:\BCPFiles\MyTableFile.txt" -c -t -T'

This works fine.

create temp table mytable (col1 int, col2 varchar(100), col3 varchar(100));
COPY mytable FROM '/tmp/MyTableFile.txt' WITH (FORMAT text);

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "1    text1      text2"

It looks to me like COPY doesn't recognize the tab, even though when I view the file it is tab delimited. There are no NULL values in this file btw.

CSV is not a good option for me because of the text has commas in it and from what I am reading PG doesn't like double quotes

1 Answer 1


(CSV is not a good option for me because of the text has commas in it and from what I am reading PG doesn't like double quotes)

Sure Pg accepts double quotes. See COPY

QUOTE Specifies the quoting character to be used when a data value is quoted. The default is double-quote. This must be a single one-byte character. This option is allowed only when using CSV format.

You don't even have to do anything..

COPY foo FROM 'asdf.csv' WITH (FORMAT CSV);

It looks to me like COPY doesn't recognize the tab, even though when I view the file it is tab delimited. There are no NULL values in this file btw.

If you want to use tabs, just set that up.

  • You're right, WITH (FORMAT CSV) can totally handle double quotes. I found out that my issue was actually double quotes and commas in the text of my table itself. Hence my need to use tab as delimiter. I think at this point I am guessing windows tab is not the same character as linux tab. Still checking!! (Not sure if I should update my question since you have quoted me!)
    – Dina
    Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 18:45
  • The tab is is dependent on the encoding of the system, but it's the same being part of the ascii characters. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 18:51
  • When you say "text of my table itself" what are you referring to? Try to create a test-case for it. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 18:52
  • I mean it is in the data I am trying to export, so putting double quotes around it won't work. Have you heard anything about windows tab being 4 spaces and linux tab being 8 spaces? Or is this crazy talk in the depths of googling... I will try a test file next.
    – Dina
    Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 19:02
  • Tabs are just a character. That character is usually displayed as (\t, or two, four or eight spaces). With vim, the editor I use, you can set it yourself set ts=4, set ts=8, but you're only changing the rendering of that character. Commented Nov 28, 2017 at 19:05

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