I'm new to Percona XtraBackup. I've been trying to perform a full backup stream from my local ( test server around 600GB ) to remote server.
I just have some questions and I need guides, and I think this is the best place.
I have this command, which I executed in my local
innobackupex --user=user --password=password --stream=tar /which/directory/ | pigz | ssh [email protected] "cat - > /mybackup/backup.tar.gz"
My questions are :
My log scan is not changing / increasing
>> log scanned up to (270477048535) >> log scanned up to (270477048535) >> log scanned up to (270477048535) >> log scanned up to (270477048535) >> log scanned up to (270477048535)
I've read a comment before and someone says log scan will not increase if no one is using the database. ( Yes, no one is using the database )
It's been running for a while.
I've tried to use xtrabackup to a local test server with around 1.7TB and finished in just a few hours. Is this because I'm using stream that's why it is slow?
What is the purpose of "/which/directory/" in my command? Is it going to store the file in /which/directory/ first and then transfer to my remote server ? Why do I have to specify a directory?
No created file on my local server /which/directory/ and to my remote server /mybackup/.
Am I doing something wrong ?
Is there a much easier way to perform this?
My only goal is to backup my local database to a remote server, I'm doing this stream because I don't have enough disk space to store my backup locally.
I'm using MariaDB 5.5 and Percona XtraBackup 2.2