I'm getting an error at the end of installing PostgreSQL 12.1 which is "the database cluster initialisation failed"
I have been searching all the day, so here what I tried:
1- Run the installation file as Administrator: didn't work.
2- Change the directory of "Data" to different place other than C:: didn't work.
3- Changed the whole installation directory to C:\Postgre or F:.... : didn't work
4- Turned off the KasperSky antivires: didn't work
5- Checked if there is an old Postgre user: not found
I checked the log file and I found the following :
Script output:
WScript.Shell Initialized...
Scripting.FileSystemObject initialized...
Called CreateDirectory(F:\PostgersSql\data)...
Called CreateDirectory(F:\PostgersSql)...
Called ClearAcl (F:\PostgersSql\data)...
Executing batch file 'rad712E9.bat'...
Called Die(Failed to reset the ACL (F:\PostgersSql\data))...
Failed to reset the ACL (F:\PostgersSql\data)
Any one can tell me what is causing this error?