We do not appear (yes/No) for hide instance in SSCM for all SQL Server 2012 servers.

We are unable to see (yes/No) option for hide instance . Kindly assist me here .

Thanks a lot !


1 Answer 1


This is the procedure: Hide an Instance of SQL Server Database Engine

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The information to hide or show the instance is stored in registry. You can use extended stored procedure xp_instance_regwrite to update the registry value to hide or show the instance. Below T-SQL will hide the instance. To unhide instance set @value to 0 :

EXEC master..xp_instance_regwrite
  @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
  @key =
N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib',
  @value_name = N'HideInstance',
  @type = N'REG_DWORD',
  @value = 1
  — 0 = No, 1 = Yes

To check if an instance is hidden you can use xp_instance_regread to check registry values:

EXEC master..xp_instance_regread
  @rootkey = N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
N'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib',
  @value_name = N'HideInstance',
  @value = @getValue OUTPUT
SELECT @getValue

This method only prevents the instance from being listed on the network. It does not prevent users from connecting to server if they know the instance name.

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