Is it possible to add a database to specific replicas of an availability group and not add it to another replica?
Use Case:
A production database is required for operations but does not need to be included in reporting. Add the database to the synchronous replicas of the availability group that are used for high availability, but do not add it to the asynchrounous replica used for reporting.
AG Setup:
Server | Mode | Failover | Readable | Purpose |
Prod01 | Synchronous | Automatic | Yes | High Availability |
Prod02 | Synchronous | Automatic | No | High Availability |
Reporting01 | Asynchronous | Manual | Yes | Reporting |
My Testing:
I was able to add it to Prod01 and Prod02, but the AG Dashboard throws a warning
In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.
I would assume that automatic failover would occur. I could deal with the warning, but there is probably a better way of doing this.
All servers are MS SQL Server 2016 sp2 cu17