I have an issue with a service account that is used to import several files on its D: drive. In the past SA was used for this process, but of course it needed to be replaced by a service account. So I'm currently trying to find the correct permissions needed.
The user has r/w access to its tables and there is a file share (D:\Statistic) setup where "everyone" has read access.
Problem is the user cannot reach the location currently unless I make him a sysadmin.
To test the access outside of running the actual procedure I use:
EXEC Master.dbo.xp_fileexist
Bulkadmin or other roles do not suffice, and I had no luck with the server permissions so far. So in general, I'd guess the share is accessible but I'm missing a specific permission on SQL or system side that is only ignored due to specific exceptions in the sysadmin role.
Any ideas what I'm missing?
procedures. The problem is with theBULK INSERT