Suppose I have two tables to outer join

ID  Nam
1   Joe
2   Moe
3   Flo

ID  Val     y   w
1   stuff   66  33
2   duff    67  44

and one of the resulting columns is derived -- i.e., it's a function of two other columns

SELECT Tab1.*, Tab2.Val, Tab2.y, Tab2.w, week(Tab2.y,Tab2.w) AS week
FROM Tab1 LEFT JOIN Tab2 ON Tab1.ID = Tab2.ID

As expected, where there is no join, nulls appear under the actual columns, but #Error appears under the derived column:

ID  Nam Val     y   w   week
1   Joe stuff   66  33  66w33
2   Moe duff    67  44  67w44
3   Flo                 #Error

First, I thought I could prevent #Error via the useful-for-handling-null-strings function Nz() but Nz(week(Tab2.y,Tab2.w)) did nothing. Next, I thought it was something I had to handle in my week() function -- i.e., handle cases of IsNull(y) -- but I discovered that it doesn't even get called for the "null cases".

How to prevent #Error values from showing?

  • Use week(Tab2.y, Nz(Tab2.w, ValueYouWantInstead)) You need to apply the function that replaces the null with another value before the function call. Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 1:23
  • It worked, @ypercube! At least, i no longer get #Error. I got 0w00 which I did have to handle in my function: if y=0 ... Care to elaborate in an answer?
    – Martin F
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 1:33
  • What does this function (week) do? Simple concatenation? Can't you use Nz(Tab2.y, '0') & 'w' & Nz(Tab2.w, '00') AS week ? Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 1:48
  • @ypercube - That's more or less what it does. I use it in a few places so i'd rather keep it as a function -- unless there's good reason not to do so...
    – Martin F
    Commented Jun 10, 2015 at 15:12

1 Answer 1


You need to apply the function (Nz) that replaces the null with another value before the week function call. Use:

week( Nz(Tab2.y, Value_for_y) , Nz(Tab2.w, Value_for_w) ) 

You probably also need tests against the special Value_for_y or Value_for_w inside week().

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