I am trying to create a trigger using the below syntax, however SSMS keeps barking at me with the below error.
Msg 208, Level 16, State 4, Procedure test1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'data123'.
And here is my syntax
ON data123
UPDATE data123
SET saledate = saledate1
FROM data123
INNER JOIN INSERTED i ON data123.id = i.id
AND i.saledate1 is not null;
For clarity - what I want to achieve is to set the field saledate
= saledate1
where saledate1
is not null.
If there are better ways to achieve this then a trigger
I am open for suggestions :)
I also tried this syntax
ALTER TABLE data123 ADD CONSTRAINT cst123 DEFAULT saledate1 FOR saledate;
But I get an error of
Msg 128, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The name 'saledate1' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.
saledate is a field that is used for multiple SSRS etc and when the database was created etc for data123 the field was improperly named to saledate1. Not viable to try to rename it now as multiple elements are already tied to it. So in order for data123 to be included in SSRS I need the field saledate to hold the value from saledate1
Here is sample DDL to hopefully clarify what my problem is and my desired output.
Create Table test1
itemsold varchar(400),
saledate1 date,
saledate date
Insert Into test1 (itemsold, saledate1) Values
('tree', '03/01/2016')
,('flower', '02/11/2016')
,('chair', '02/25/2016')
Select * from test1
So if you run the above syntax this is your output
uqID itemsold saledate1 saledate
1 tree 3/1/2016
2 flower 2/11/2016
3 chair 2/25/2016
My desired output (which is why I originally thought a trigger) is this
uqID itemsold saledate1 saledate
1 tree 3/1/2016 3/1/2016
2 flower 2/11/2016 2/11/2016
3 chair 2/25/2016 2/25/2016
saledate = saledate1
. My fear, though, is that you've dumbed down the problem a little too much. Instead of telling us what syntax you tried, why don't you try explaining what you're actually trying to do in English. My guess is a trigger on a view is about 6 degrees of separation from the actual solution you need.