I have an AWS instance with local (ephemeral) SSD storage backed by a permanent EBS storage. Is it possible to configure the local storage to act as a mirror/cache for row data in MySQL? I do not wish to cache resultsets, but the actual tables. Naturally, I want my writes to hit not only the local disk but also EBS for safety.
If I could offload majority of my queries to local SSDs, I'd have more consistent response latency and significantly lower I/O bill in AWS.
The instance memory cannot fit all of the data in RAM (yes, that would be ideal) but my local SSD is large enough fit all of the data.
RAID1 involving local SSD and EBS is not going to help me reduce the I/O bill, but it would improve latency. An ideal solution would give me both.
Creating another read-only slave DB with local SSDs is another option but perhaps there is a way to get what I want in a single-instance setup?
Any advice greatly appreciated.
Follow up: I'm currently investigating a setup similar to what's described here: http://tansi.info/hybrid/
This is the setup that appears to work well: http://hatim.eu/2014/05/25/leveraging-ssd-ephemeral-disks-in-ec2-part-2/