The SQL Server 2017 version on Linux comes packaged with a utility called mtlogreader.exe
that is absent from the Windows distribution,
MtLog Reader - Dump Hekaton MtLog files
Usage: \\VBOXSVR\mssql\lib\sqlservr\Content\binn\mtlogreader.exe <file> [options]
-verbose <int> Verbosity (0-4) Default 1. (short form: -v)
-buffio <bool> Buffer stdout (true/false) Default true (short form: -b)
-keySecret1 <string> The first secret key blob used for crypto keys (short form: -k1)
-keySecret2 <string> The Second secret key blob used for crypto keys (short form: -k2)
-instructionFile Treat file as instructionfile. (short form: -i)
-targetruntimeinseconds <int> The target run time in seconds (only valid with -i). (short form: -t)
-skipchksum Skip checksum validation. (short form: -sc)
-maxbsn <uint64> Max BSN to dump. Default 0 (dump whole file). (short form: -m)
<file> has a different meaning depending on whether -instructionFile is specified
if -instructionFile is specified, <file> is a file containing checkpoint file
information extracted at dump time, containing the root file name followed by a
list of container directories (one per line).
the -t parameter is an indication of how long to run the tool
when used with -i it is used to limit the processing of checkpoint files
I can't find much about Hekaton though. I've found some errors here and I see it has a pretty old wiki page where can I find documentation on the Hekaton subsystem but how to use it? Has Hekaton been rolled into the "Analysis Services"?