I'm looking for ways to handle IPv6 CIDR address ranges in SqlServer.
The data I obtained is formatted as bellow and has these columns :
Int_IP_Start, Int_IP_End, CIDR_Range, ASN, Name
for IPv4
"2868826112","2868826623","","265116","Wave Net"
"2868827136","2868828159","","265381","Furtado & Furtado Provedores LTDA"
"2868828928","2868829183","","264770","Leonir Remussi (KDMNET)"
"2868829184","2868829439","","265373","NET TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA - ME"
"2868829440","2868829695","","265373","NET TELECOMUNICACOES LTDA - ME"
"2868830208","2868831231","","265382","TELECOM LTDA ME"
"2868831232","2868831487","","27951","Media Commerce Partners S.A"
And this is the same but for IPv6
The numerical reprensentation of a single IPv6 is quite large as the address space is the equivalent of a 128bit integer.
The goal here is to have a way for a database query to return wether or not an IP is part of one of the stored ranges that came from the CSV.
For IPv4 that's easy, you take the IP and convert it to it's INT32 equivalent.
Since there is no INT128 datatype in SqlServer I've got the following questions :
-Is there a way to create a custom type that would store a bigint of 128bits ? (Only need to perform Greater than or lesser than operations)
-Is there a way to properly handle IP address ranges in SqlServer ?
Here is the largest number an IPv6 address can represent :
string LongestIp = "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff";
var SerializedIp = IPNetwork.ToBigInteger(IPAddress.Parse(LongestIp));
This c# code outputs 340282366920938463463374607431768211455
Trying to insert this
declare @ipv6Decimals table (Ip decimal(38,0));
insert into @ipv6Decimals (Ip) values (58568844892949217103928101908510670847); --this is okay,
--When maximum precision is used, valid values are from - 10^38 +1 through 10^38 - 1
insert into @ipv6Decimals (Ip) values (99999999999999999999999999999999999999); --This is the largest numeric(38,0) will fit
insert into @ipv6Decimals (Ip) values (340282366920938463463374607431768211455);-- This is too large
Msg 1007, Level 15, State 1, Line 3 The number '340282366920938463463374607431768211455' is out of the range for numeric representation (maximum precision 38).