I want to run a semisynchronous replication setup, and for simplicity I'd like to not have to INSTALL and UNINSTALL plugins when a slave is promoted to a master. So I'm wondering if I'll experience any problems having both master and slave plugins installed and enabled (see here)

It looks like after installing the second plugin, both variables rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled and rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled are reset to off (the non-default). When I include these lines in my.cnf:

loose-rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = 1
loose-rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 1

...and restart MySQL, both plugins are loaded and enabled.

Is this going to cause any problems for me?

1 Answer 1


This will not cause any problems. I have always setup all MySQL 5.5. DB servers for clients with both plugins. In fact, I answered a question back on Aug 05, 2011 where I posted an update on Aug 08, 2011 on how to install both plugins at the same time

Please see Is MySQL Replication Affected by a High-Latency Interconnect?

Here is the excerpt from that update


The configuration of MySQL 5.5 Semisynchronous Replication is straightforward

Step 1) Add these four(4) lines to /etc/my.cnf


Step 2) Restart MySQL

service mysql restart

Step 3) Run these commands in the MySQL client

INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_master SONAME 'semisync_master.so';
INSTALL PLUGIN rpl_semi_sync_slave  SONAME 'semisync_slave.so';

Step 4) Uncomment the three rpm_semi_sync options after the plugin-dir option


Step 5) Restart MySQL

service mysql restart

All Done !!! Now just setup MySQL Replication as usual.

  • Sweet, thanks! I think the loose prefix is a pretty nice way to avoid commenting and uncommenting those config lines.
    – jberryman
    Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 23:43

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