I am trying to generalize a trigger that deletes the oldest rows in a table as new rows are added. Since the number of rows to retain depends on the table, I am passing that number to the trigger function as an argument. When I use format() to interpolate the table name, it appears I am losing access to new, as described in Trigger function taking column names as parameters to modify the row.

Do I require hstore to accomplish this, or is there a simpler approach?

Current code:

create or replace function drop_over_n()
    returns trigger
    language plpgsql as $$
            execute format('
                with chrono_by_usr as (
                    select id, row_number()
                    over (partition by usr_id order by created_at) as row_number
                    from %I
                    where usr_id = new.usr_id and id != new.id
                delete from %I
                where id in (
                    select id
                    from chrono_by_usr
                    where row_number > %s
            ', tg_table_name, tg_table_name, tg_argv[0]);
            return null;

create or replace trigger limit_recent_finding
    after insert on recent_finding
    for each row execute function drop_over_n(50);

1 Answer 1


The way you wrote that, new is interpreted as part of the SQL statement, but the SQL engine has no idea about the variables in your PL/pgSQL code. You will have to use a parameter:

EXECUTE format('... where usr_id = $1.usr_id') USING NEW;
  • Thank you for your time! Now that it works, it looks like there are some other flaws in my code, but this definitely answers the question. Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 11:19

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