A client is asking for a database structure for a medical translation app that involves narrowing down a health issue and then asking specific questions on it. The tricky part of representing this in a database is that there may be anywhere from 2-5 hierarchical "filters" to narrow down the health issue, then a hierarchy of questions to ask the patient. The same filters and questions can be re-used in any level of the hierarchy. The questions must also be translated into several languages if dealing with a non-English speaking patient. For example:
-> Symptoms -->Cardiovascular -> Chest Pain "Have you experienced any chest pain recently?" "On a scale of one to ten, how severe is the pain?" "Is the onset of the pain sudden or gradual?" "Is the pain related to exertion?" "Do you ever suffer from shortness of breath?" -> Palpitations "Are you ever aware of your heartbeat? What is it like?" "Can you tap out the rhythm with your finger?" -> Discharge --> Chest Pain "We recommend the following lifestyle changes to improve your condition." "Avoid taking too much aspirin for pain."
I can use a string hack to make this work, but am looking for something that can scale better and is searchable. Also it will be maintained by a non-technical person in the future, so preference to something simple to comprehend vs. better performance like nested sets. (Sorry for the formatting, everything I tried kept auto-block quoting stuff.) Thank you to anybody who can assist!