I'm not the first to notice the lack of this feature.
But I wonder if there are some useful workarounds. I want to deploy a main script and some depended scripts in the same folder.
BTW Is there a ticket on Microsoft Connect for this?
Locking at this, it seems equivalent to the question if a script running in sqlcmd mode can determine its path in the file system.
2nd Edit:
From SO I found a way to pass the path of the scripts into sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S myServer -d myDB -U user -P password -i file1.sql -v p1="D:\myscripts"
And I can verify that it is passed to File1.sql
PRINT '$(p1)'
:setvar path1 $(p1) + '\file1.sql'
:r $(path1)
But I don't find the right way to concat the path and the filename in the second line.
3rd Edit: I found the solution to concat path and filename in here.
PRINT '$(p1)'
:r $(p1)\file1.sql
Are there still better ways?
in Oracle's SQL*Plus; might be worth expressing the question as SQL Server equivalent-of