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Is it possible to query Oracle system tables (DBA_USERS,dba_role_privs,dba_tab_privs) Using Db_link?

Is it possible to query Oracle system tables (DBA_USERS,dba_role_privs,dba_tab_privs) Using Db_link? I am getting ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when tried to query the same.
Arun's user avatar
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Postgresql Sequence Hopping

I have recently migrated (dump and restore) my database from AWS RDS PostgreSQL v12 to Aurora Serverless v2 PostgreSQL v14.6. The issue is we have setup sequencing in a table on old RDS, now in the ...
sam's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to restore a RDS Postgres instance from a snapshot exported to S3?

Amazon RDS Postgres database are backed up as snapshots automatically. Because of the high storage costs ($0.095 per GB-Month), I want to move them to S3 (Storage Class: Glacier Deep Archive: 0.00099 ...
Christiaan Westerbeek's user avatar
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Unable to perform the 'rds_restore_database' procedure on AWS RDS SQL Server Express

I'm facing the error Maximum supported database size on SQL Server Express edition is: 10 GB. when executing the restore procedure msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database. The weird thing is the actual database ...
Theo B's user avatar
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postgresql vacuum analyze on restored snapshot

Frequently we restore a Postgres DB from a RDS snapshot to an entirely new RDS instance. We notice that queries on certain tables perform really slowly but improve by a huge magnitude after running ...
sumit's user avatar
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What is the name of the process for creating a new DB from an exported snapshot? [closed]

I need to set up an automated process that: creates a snapshot of an AWS RDS (MySQL) DB uses that snapshot to create a new RDS instance that will be used as an "analytics playground" I'm ...
hotmeatballsoup's user avatar
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MySQL import silently failing

I'm trying to import a large (30GB) SQL file (generated using mysqldump) into an RDS instance MySQL 5.7 database, from an EC2 instance on the same VPC. It's importing most without a problem, but ...
BT643's user avatar
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3 answers

Which factors impact the time for SQL Server Recovery to complete

In a recent planning AWS RDS failover we experienced long recovery times of around 20 minutes. AWS provides some hints around why. large transactions or a lengthy recovery process can increase ...
jimmyc's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL Server RDS Database Restore from S3 stuck in Restore Mode

Summary: We are doing a restore of a SQL Server database from S3 on an RDS Instance. And all though the job will say the restore is complete when we go to access the database it's stuck in "...
Bo Anderson's user avatar
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how to dump mysql schema without keys and without constraint ? and keep all of them to alter afterwards

i am using ubuntu 16.04 and want to dump large schema with hounded of tables from AWS rds, remove all keys and foreign key , load data and then add back the keys , is there any automatic tool that ...
Omer Anisfeld's user avatar
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Multiple DB restore in sequence

I am restoring several MariaDB databases into a Amazon AWS RDS MariaDB instance from an AWS EC2 machine in the same VPC / region etc. I am using a shell script like so: mysql -u root -h hostname....
im-not-you's user avatar
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2 answers

Create a New AWS RDS Instance of only one database from a snapshot

I'm trying to Create a new AWS RDS SQL Server instance of only one database from a snapshot. I've gone through the AWS documentation, but according to it when I restore from a snapshot it will create ...
Nigel Fds's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there any way to replace sql server file_guid with new GUID?

I have two databases with same file_guid. Getting following error when trying to restore second database in Amazon RDS. Aborted the task because of a task failure or a concurrent RESTORE_DB ...
Shahdat's user avatar
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Fastest way to do a mysqldump restore on Amazon RDS?

We need to restore a database from a 7-Gb mysqldump file to a RDS Amazon instance. The full restore takes between 3 and 4 hours (probably because of network latency since the dump has to reside on a ...
dr_'s user avatar
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Cannot restore Amazon RDS SQL Server database to given point-in-time using SQL Server Management Studio

I'm trying to restore one of my Amazon DRS SQL Server databases. Using SQL Server Management Studio, I can correct to my DRS instance using the master account I created when creating the database ...
khaledl's user avatar
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