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4 votes
1 answer

Assigning values to multiple @variables using SELECT

I've encountered some T-SQL code which seems to rely on behaviour I found unexpected. When assigning values to multiple @variables in one SELECT statement, when one @variable is dependent on another, ...
Rob Dalzell's user avatar
0 votes
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Grant permissions only if an object exists, but without mentioning the object twice

We have a number of database build scripts that grant permissions to specific objects (sprocs, functions, etc) only to specific roles. We have recently moved to an automated deployment model that has ...
Myles's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Row_number to not increment if values on three columns are the same from the row before

Suppose I have a dataset that looks like the screenshot below and I need to add a count column for the rows based off the orderid, DocumentNo_, and CurrPackageTrackingNo with the following logic: ...
Keith Rivera's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How to write select statment that get data based on partid from last date to current date with filling gapes?

I work on sql server 2012 i face issue i can't make select statment get Partid from last month until current month march (3) . based on last date exist per partid and on same time if there are any ...
ahmed elbarbary's user avatar
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SQL Server query consolidating each database file data in to one row

I have this Dataset base of this query below SELECT DB_NAME() AS dbname , size/128 AS 'Total Size in MB', size/128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int)/128.0 AS 'Available Space In MB', ...
Keith Rivera's user avatar
0 votes
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Product Version for Analysis Services and Report Server using T SQL

How can I find the product version for both analysis services and report server using Transact-SQL? I'm trying to put together a query that will get me the details of each SQL instance with their ...
Drewbert's user avatar
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Calculate Start and End of Fiscal Period Weeks

I have a calendar table established (thank you, Aaron Bertrand): SET NOCOUNT ON IF OBJECT_ID (N'dbo.Dim_Calendar', N'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Dim_Calendar SET DATEFIRST 7, LANGUAGE ...
Kulstad's user avatar
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Select rows where result appears more than once

I have been looking all over StackExchange, testing various methods listed here, without any success. I need to SELECT only users that have multiple sessions. This is my beginning SELECT statement: ...
ltwally's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Delete millions of rows on a badly designed table [duplicate]

I have identified Millions of duplicated rows on a table I have inherited by using this query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumRecords, AccessID, LEFT(SQLTEXT, 5000) FROM Table WHERE AccessID=5012 GROUP BY ...
user1910240's user avatar
1 vote
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Create a Sequence with the calling user as the owner

Background I have a SQL User that has the following permission: GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE ON SCHEMA::seq TO SequenceCreator GO I would like to be able to have this user create a sequence that is owned ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Update Rows From Table If Table Exists Without Using sp_executesql

I have a situation where I need to run a query on a large number of similar databases. Most of them will have a table that I need to update some rows in but some of them will not have the table. I ...
BlargleMonster's user avatar
2 votes
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Basic alternative to fn_LocalTimeToUTC

My cloud provider has prevented me accessing fn_LocalTimeToUTC and fn_UTCToLocalTime. How would I go about getting the same functionality that these two functions offer manually and directly in SQL ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
1 vote
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Eliminate filter operator before columnstore index scan operator

I have a large fact table with millions of rows called MyLargeFactTable, and its a clustered column store table. There is a composite primary key constraint on it there as well (customer_id,...
Avi's user avatar
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OPENROWSET Bulk insert Text File NULL Columns

I need to automate a weekly import of .txt log files into a SQL database. I have already created my table, format file and can get some of the data to work using OPENROWSET BULK, but the data from the ...
Stockburn's user avatar
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1 answer

Break down calendar table based on custom dates in SQL Server 2017

I have a table that contains the following fiscal year definitions: FiscalYear | Period | PeriodStartDate | PeriodEndDate ==================================================================...
Kulstad's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Find order that has deliveries in multiple weeks

I thought I had a simple run of the mill problem, but I can't manage to figure out how to slice it. Assume I have a table of Deliveries that has the OrderNumber, the DeliveryNumber and the ...
Black Dynamite's user avatar
1 vote
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Adding a date and the time portion of a datetime2 together [duplicate]

I have a date field [load_date] and a datetime2 field [load_time] that I want to combine into a datetime2. I want to combine load_date with the time portion of load_time and create a datetime2. It's ...
Kennah's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to check AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS/AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS is enabled for database

I have a project database that maintain different databases from different environnement (dev, test, prod, predprod...), I need to check if AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICSis set to ...
Omar AMEZOUG's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Operator used tempdb to spill data . The estimated row are less than real rows

I have a query that takes around 32 seconds, I tried many ways to fix the performance problem. The first thing I tried is adding a new column that contain date and time as an integer. After I added ...
Omar AMEZOUG's user avatar
1 vote
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Compatibility level of databases based on sql server version

We need to check for databases that are not in the correct compatibility level on a particular instance. For example, on a SQL Server 2016 instance, if there are databases that are not in ...
Teja's user avatar
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3 answers

Database Mirror - Host can not be reached or does not exist

I tried mirroring database with GUI and T-SQL, but I had problems in both cases. Here is some information about infrastructure and SSMS: INFRASTRUCTURE Principal server with SQL Server 2017 ...
Leonardo Lacerda's user avatar
0 votes
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Excluding records from SQL Query

I have a table which I am trying to return only records of rendition_type Interactive and no other associated rendition_type. If a records has more than one rendition_type, I need to exclude it from ...
Geoff Dawdy's user avatar
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How to recreate an Index with the same settings?

I'm in a situation where I want to add another included column to an existing index, but keep the rest of the settings (eg. FILLFACTOR, ONLINE, SORT_IN_TEMPDB, etc.) the same. I do not have the ...
Zikato's user avatar
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3 answers

Slow query in production, bad execution plan or bad index?

I've just fixed a production performance issue by dropping an index and recreate it. I suspect dropping the index also dropped executions plans that used it and one of them happen to be bad. Arguments ...
AXMIM's user avatar
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Is it possible to restore a database from corrupted .mdf file?

I know that the answer of the question may vary depending on what exactly is broken in each .mdf file - only looking for advice if there is another way to approach this. So, I have received some bad ...
gotqn's user avatar
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5 votes
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Grant dbcreator only for databases matching prefix

In Microsoft SQL Server 2017+ I would like to grant the dbcreator role on a single user but only allow her to create databases whose name matches a fixed prefix. Is it possible to do this at the ...
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why does this query, missing a FROM clause, not error out?

So we have a query with a subquery that has a typo in it. It's missing the FROM clause. But when you run it, it doesnt error out! Why!? SELECT 1 , ,'0D4133BE-C1B5-4141-AFAD-...
Wjdavis5's user avatar
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Repivoting rows of pivoted data with an dynamic amount of rows

I am trying to create an overall sequential pivot of various rows of data, repeating each row as a new set of columns and using the sequence number as the trailing identifier in each column name. Here ...
Jim M's user avatar
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2 votes
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T-SQL DATEDIFF_BIG - 469ms diff with currentmills and documented start-end constraints incorrect?

(NB I don't count as a db admin... I'm just using one, so please assume zero other knowledge) My reference date is '02/04/2017 18:00:00.124', and for no particular reason, whilst I need the time ...
Julian Moore's user avatar
1 vote
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Inner join with greater or equal VS where condition using a variable

Suppose I have a table with a unique column and this columns has only integer numbers. Eg: ID column with rows from 1 to 999. My intention is to return only rows when my ID is greater than 500, for ...
Jelther Gonçalves's user avatar
7 votes
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Does lightweight pooling disable built-in CLR facilities?

Running SQL Server in fibre mode (lightweight pooling) disables the use of SQL CLR: Common language runtime (CLR) execution is not supported under lightweight pooling. Disable one of two options: "...
Paul White's user avatar
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Python code in T-SQL environment gives "access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions" Error

Help on the following please. I have this code Python Code import requests r = requests.get("") r.status_code print(r.status_code) print("Python Rawks!!!!!!") which ...
Venkat Palaniappan's user avatar
24 votes
4 answers

If a database only ever has one insert, is it bad to index every possible column combination?

I am working on a reporting system that will require large select queries, but is based on a database that is only filled once. The database management system is Microsoft SQL Server 2017. There is ...
Lopsided's user avatar
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On Insert Trigger To Create Email

I am wanting to send an email through the SQL Server Agent once an insert has been made to a specific table. I tried the syntax below, but the email is not being sent, nor queued to send. ALTER ...
user2676140's user avatar
0 votes
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Join returns no results [closed]

In a trigger, I have: SELECT TOP 1 t.Id FROM deleted d INNER JOIN Table t ON t.Id = d.Id SELECT TOP 1 t.Id FROM Table t WHERE t.Id = (SELECT TOP 1 d.Id FROM deleted d) Table is a related table ...
Ian Warburton's user avatar