I am trying to copy a CSV file from my PC, which has SSH running, to AWS Redshift. I have copied the Redshfit public key to authorized_keys
for the appropriate user.
copy contact (id,name)
from 's3://mybucket/m1.mfs'
credentials 'aws_access_key_id=xxx;aws_secret_access_key=yyy''
region 'us-west-2'
csv ssh
The manifest file, which has been uploaded to S3, is as follows:
"entries": [
"command": "/bin/cat /home/user23/rfr/src/redshift/Contact2.csv",
"username": “user23"}
The error I get is:
Error: ERROR: Manifest file is not in correct json format**
From what I can see, the file is in the correct format. I think the issue may be something else, but how do I debug this? The endpoint is valid, the command is valid, and the username is valid.