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Stored procedure to Insert data into table with select statement and argument parameter [duplicate]

I am creating a stored procedure which will populate my table with data passed from procedure argument and from other table. I have a table with three columns (cart_id, product, sold_quantity). Now, I ...
Jaimin Sutariya's user avatar
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Design database for history data

I want to create a database with history data score. For example in June 2011 the keyword had score 102. In July 2020 the same word had score 203. What would be the best database design for this. I ...
Peter Penzov's user avatar
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Nested query is throwing Error Code: 1054 (unknown column)

ihaider's user avatar
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AWS RDS snapshot restore from west to east

have query related to snapshot restore . my rds snasphot are copied everday from west to east region everyday after automated daily rds backups task gets completed. However however last one month ...
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Match closest date from a table to a table with just dates

I am trying to feel some gaps in table with values from a previous date. I have created a date table which looks like this: date 2021-04-13 2021-04-14 2021-04-15 2021-04-16 2021-04-17 2021-04-...
Lame Fanello's user avatar
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why is mysql not using the composite index on my query?

Here is my query. select user_id, sum(user_points.points) overallpts, username from user inner join user_points on user.user_id = user_points.user_id where >= '2020-01-01 00:00:00' ...
JRA's user avatar
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Schedule SQL Agent Job on RDS SQL Instance to restore latest backup weekly from S3

Scenario: I want to schedule an SQL Agent job weekly on RDS SQL instance to restore database which should access the latest backup file from S3. I'm using sp msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database to restore ...
Vikas Kumar's user avatar
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RDS MySQL top CPU queries

I'd like to know if there is any way to get the top queries in my instance per CPU. I would see which query has more impact in my instance based on CPU usage. Anyone have any idea if it possible in ...
Doug P's user avatar
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Alternative for creating Database and inside Database having schemes like Oracle in MySQL

In oracle we have database inside database we have schemes and inside schemas we have tables. For Example consider the following scenario I have 2 databases like Database1 and Database2. In ...
kumar v's user avatar
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Incomplete dumps using mysqldump

I am running Mysql server with master and slave replication. From past few days i found that backups on my master server are incomplete. When i ran manually on master it's returning the below error ...
rahuls36's user avatar
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DATE_SUB with configurable value

In MySQL you can use the DATE_SUB function to get a new date based on the values passed in. For example I can use the following to get the a date of 30 days ago from when I run the function SELECT ...
Joe W's user avatar
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mysql trigger not allowing to select from another table

I have the following snippet in a trigger on a table named bugs: SELECT uat_reopened_stats.release_name (uat_reopened_stats.rate_bugs + qa_reopened_stats.rate_bugs + ...
pkaramol's user avatar
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2 answers

Best mysql config for my server

I have dedicated server, my CPU usage is too high (80%-100%) and memory only use 9GB. RAM 32 gb and CPU Dual Xeon E5-2670(8core and 16 thread) I have 25000 users that use my android application My ...
marvan's user avatar
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Create calculated column min value in mysql 5.7

How to compute a column: calculation is to have 1 or 0 If it is minimum value then 1 should be shown else 0
mohammed zaid's user avatar
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Allocation of disk space to new created databases in production [closed]

Our current production database has total disk space of 2 TB. (SQL Serve 2012 standard RTM version.) Currently we have database size allocation as attached. Apart from FUNDSDB and DBAdmin, remaining ...
Sayantani Nath's user avatar
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Server settings with 36GB handling app+data

I'm setting up a server to handle a multi-site configuration on a beta application for a partner in a new business venture. Trying to assess sane values for MySQL. Currently I have set: ...
pl3bs's user avatar
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Error while declaring procedure

When I run this query it returns me a count of null values of the column country (select sum(case when (country IS NULL) then 1 else 0 END) as 'null_flag' from city) whereas ...
Prachi Karekar's user avatar
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Amazon RDS MySQL high CPU issues

I am hoping for a bit of help or direction on how best to troubleshoot this issue. We have recently increased our application load (more processes interacting with the DB) and the DB CPU is constantly ...
ronnz's user avatar
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What are the steps involved in updating Mysql db 5.7.30 to 5.7.35

I need to patch update MySql db from 5.7.30 to 5.7.35 What are the steps involved? Can I take mysqldump and just run yum update on below mysql packages mysql-community-client.x86_64 mysql-community-...
Jos's user avatar
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How to temporarily disable foreign keys in Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL? [duplicate]

Hi I am using DMS to load data from physical server to AWS Aurora PostgreSQL, but I am getting error for foreign key constraint. I want to disable using any sp / function. Could you please help me?
Jiban Sharma's user avatar
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InnoDB: Assertion failure on executing select Query - MySQL 5.7.31

I am using pt-archiver for daily archiving of tables, but while selecting data from one tables I am getting following error and it restart mysql instance 2021-07-07 13:21:17 0x7fe0dffdc700 InnoDB: ...
ImranRazaKhan's user avatar
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Difference between rows of a table - MySQL 5.7

I try to decrease the rows of a table by its previous value when it exists. For the first row element, consider 0. Could you help me? Create the table below as example. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 ( ...
Bruno Lobo's user avatar
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How to checkdb automatically in AWS RDS?

I'm pretty new to Amazon AWS and RDS. I have migrated my SQL Database to RDS and I have it up and running. I'm now looking to automate maintenance tasks. Anyone with experience with RDS can help me ...
Carlos Sosa's user avatar
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MySQL Master and Replica different size of files

Recently I noticed that my replica and master storage is quite different. To be exact replica takes 250GB more. Both are dedicated servers, both are exact specs, both have exact disk drives and ...
user3570930's user avatar
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what's the best way to execute fast aggregation queries based on YEAR and MONTH filters in addition to dynamic filters

My SQL table is going to have millions of rows. Currently, with only 2M rows, my aggregation queries take anywhere between 20 seconds to a minute. The filters in WHERE clause for aggregation queries ...
systemdebt's user avatar
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-bash: PURGE: command not found

I want to delete binary log files following are my binary log files binary2.000001 binary2.000002 i want to delete binary2.000002 mysql> PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'binary2.000002'; It shows me:...
tajamul hussain's user avatar
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Can't get this query to work properly

I've been trying to get the following query working for days but I can't seem to solve my issue. I'm using the MySQL version 5.7.9 I have the following database: CREATE TABLE user ( id INT NOT ...
Laurent's user avatar
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MYSQL Trigger: Update before insert

I want to increment the order of every video by one every time a video gets inserted so that the new video takes its place UPDATE services SET orders = orders + 1 This doesn't work, I get this error,...
Lynob's user avatar
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Mysql Partitioning Query

i have created partitions on pricing table. below is the alter statement. ALTER TABLE `price_tbl` PARTITION BY HASH(man_code) PARTITIONS 87; one partition consists of 435510 records. total records ...
jit's user avatar
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Impact of changing swappiness

On one of my aws ec2 m4.10xlarge instance running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with 160 GB memory, I want to change the swappiness from the default 60 to 10. Does changing this at runtime using sysctl -w vm....
Deb's user avatar
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MySQL only, Multiple queries at once

MySQL 5.7, Core 16, Memory 64GB My query runs about every hour. In that query i change the table structure of 5 tables. The question is not why i'm doing this, i know there are better ways. No the ...
F T's user avatar
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2 answers

AWS KMS Encryption enable for SQL Server Columns?

Is it possible MSSQL on EC2 with a key in AWS KMS to encrypt columns
Selva's user avatar
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Loss of 20+Gb of space and cannot find out why (amazon mysql rds)

I am trying to figure out why one of my MYSQL RDS DB instances lost 20+GB of storage space and I cannot figure out why. I have 2 RDS instances and am using some queries to compare data + free data ...
Chris Muench's user avatar
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MySQL 5.7 UPDATE slow due to not using index

We have an issue similar to this. Only, the solution there won't work for us as: We don't use multi-table JOINS, but UPDATE … WHERE `userid` IN (<list of 10k ids>); We currently "only" have the ...
DaPeda's user avatar
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I'm trying to delete 10000 rows from my database on MySQL 5.7 but it's been stuck for 7 hours. Query: DELETE FROM article WHERE id in (52109548,52109558,52109560,52109564,....). This are my buffer ...
Khaled Emad Abbad's user avatar
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MySQL query optimization not using index

I'm running into an issue with my MySQL database and I would like to know if any of you could please shed some light. Background: I currently have entire schema configured with InnoDB. This database ...
Renato Carvalho's user avatar
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Mysql crashes on fresh installation

I try to run mysqld and here's the dump I get: I tried re-installing mysql, but the same thing happens. Just running mysql returns ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to ...
JordyvD's user avatar
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Move data chunk from table with 200+million rows to a new table MySQL

Our DB is hosted in AWS MySQL RDS. The data is such that each company that signs up gets its own set of tables which then receive enormous amount of data in them. Currently we want to move a chunk of ...
Asad M's user avatar
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MySQL Performance Problems

Started having issues with our central production MySQL Database Server today. We have 1 central production MySQL 5.7.11-log server which is bare metal with 32GB mem and 12 core CPU with 2 SSDs in ...
DavidScherer's user avatar
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HELP - impdp from expdp - do i need to get the .dmp file to the RDS DATA_PUMP_DIR

I've been beating my head against a stubborn wall trying to get a expdp of an oracle schema (on premises db) loaded to my new Oracle RDS instance. I saw this comment from you and it sounds exactly ...
jennifer's user avatar
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Got error while reverting mysql 5.7 to mysql 5.6

Got error while doing mysql service restart. Googled a lot, but nothing fix my issue. [ERROR] Fatal error: mysql.user table is damaged or in unsupported 3.20 format. 2016-04-23 11:10:38 22185 [...
dileep ch's user avatar
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Connecting to RDS MySQL from command line sometimes fails -- why?

I have used RDS for many years, and MySQL for even longer, so I am very familiar with both -- yet, I am running into an odd thing that I cannot figure out. Wondering if someone can help. I have 2 ...
CharlieBucket's user avatar
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MySql Not Logging Slow Queries

I've set up slow query logging for MySQL 5.7: [mysqld] slow_query_log = 1 slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql/slow_query_log.log long_query_time = 10 log_queries_not_using_indexes = 0 Then to test ...
Ryan's user avatar
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4 answers

Should I spread many connections over a period of time, or hammer the database at same time?

I currently have a fairly small (micro, but can upgrade if necessary) Postgres db instance on Amazon RDS. I think I have a max connections of about 85 (checked through max_connections value in console)...
Damien's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Upgrade Procedure in a production environment [closed]

Am new to the role and employers have asked me to come up with a plan to upgrade the MySQL 5.6 on the production server to 5.7. It has partitions and MASTER-MASTER replication setup and has around ...
usernew6666's user avatar
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Why the order of indexed columns in ORDER BY affect performance?

I'm trying to improve performance of the following query which takes a 1+ minutes to execute: SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( created_at < '2023-3-31 06:10:20.871' ) AND ( ( id > '2a95048f' ...
CKT's user avatar
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Strange COUNT(*) issue

I have the following SQL statement: SELECT COUNT( as total, (3959 * acos (cos ( radians( )* cos( radians( UserM.userLat ) )* cos( radians( UserM.userLng ) - radians(j.lng) )+ sin ( ...
Bill's user avatar
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I want to use oracle Goldengate to my Multi cloud setup database, I'm just wondering if Im required to down my primary database to avoid data discrepancy? or goldengate can sync the data even if my ...
GoodGuyChaddy's user avatar
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Can't manage to work with comparing days

In a table with persons and their birthdays, the ones whose birthday is in less than 7 days need to be displayed. I found some answers on the Internet but they all are at least 5 years ago with ...
Com's user avatar
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3 answers

Not able to create this table [closed]

I am trying to create this table in my database with no luck at all. All my tables look the same, but this one is giving me trouble. I am using Notepad to type, then copying the code to the MySQL 5.7 ...
nelsongiraldo's user avatar

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