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Questions tagged [scripting]

For questions about generating or using language scripts, for example scripting a database object definition.

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1 answer

Is wrapping only possible for package bodies?

I am using oracle 11gR2 database in which I was trying to wrap my scripts. I read the documents and tried to wrap a sql script which contains a create table statement. I used below commands: wrap ...
SHS's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Scripting SQLite with dot commands

Is it possible to write scripts that contain SQLite dot commands ( vis. .read file.sql; .separator ,; .import file.csv; )? I'm building and repeatedly rebuilding an SQLite database and need to type ...
StudentsTea's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Existing DB2 connection does not work inside a script

I connected to the DB2 instance, and I can successfully verify that the connection exists: db2inst1@hostname:/tmp$ db2 connect Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/...
Alexander Pozdneev's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Script not working after adding try and catch

I have a working script that I modified to work with SQLCMD since I need to invoke this script remotely. Here is my script: :ON ERROR EXIT USE [master] GO BEGIN TRY /****** Declare Database name **...
Nico's user avatar
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1 answer

Automation approach to executing Shell scripts and performing checks on an Oracle DB

I am in the process of producing an automation framework that will: Check Oracle tables for entries, such as IDs and status numbers Log onto a UNIX box via Putty and switch to a directory where the ...
Porkball21's user avatar
1 vote
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How to preserve sqlplus session in shell script

I am trying to insert queries from a sql file in shell script using sqlplus. Now, some queries can fail because of incorrect schema. So I want to commit all transactions only if all queries succeed. ...
cppcoder's user avatar
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1 answer

How to manipulate bytea data when using backup script as a template

I have a project with a web app that has many configurable options, with the configurations stored in a PostgreSQL database. Most fields are text or ints, but there are a couple configurations stored ...
codebycaleb's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is it possible to have a script that double quotes a view or proc

I apparently cannot figure out the key words to google search for what I want, so I need help finding out how to do this. I feel like this may be a duplicate, but I just cannot find this anywhere else....
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
1 vote
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SQL script Scope in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - runs against active DB or all DB's?

I'm not very familiar with SQL Server, more familiar with MySQL. I'm used to seeing everything in code, whereas SQL Server, some things are done with buttons. In MySQL, I'd execute USE ...
Buttle Butkus's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Running queries one after the other in psql/scripting environment?

I am a little bit concerned about the possibility of queries running concurrently. I want to run a set of queries at worst as soon as the previous is ready through psql (PostgreSQL) and a shell script....
audlift-bit's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How to take SQL Server databases backup using .bat script file with time stamp

I am using SQL Server Express edition, so there is no features for backup plan, I want to take databases backup using bat script, and create a scheduler to be run everyday. I have created .bat file ...
Kishor Kumar's user avatar
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SQL Mail Failing To Send

SQL Sever 2016 with the latest updates. Running on WS2012R2. Following error message is received: The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail ...
DARKOCEAN's user avatar
6 votes
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Was 'ActiveX Scripting' step type secretly removed from SQL Server 2016?

Migrating our database from SQL Server 2012 to 2016, we can't recreate an SQL Agent job that involves an ActiveX Scripting step written in VBScript. The error message suggests that 'ACTIVESCRIPTING' ...
GSerg's user avatar
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2 votes
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Import all csv files into a table oracle

Trying to import all the files into a table but I receive the following error. #!/bin/bash . ~/.bash_profile export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/client_1 sqlldr USERID=user/pass@mydb ...
Mr.Mbunga's user avatar
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Credentials for mysql fail for mysqldump in bash script [closed]

I am having a very strange problem in a script to back up MySQL schemas. The script creates a list of schemas and then runs the mysqldump command for each of them. The credentials are stored in a ...
j_goldman's user avatar
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SQL Server 2008 R2 warning when tried to execute the script of size approx 500MB [duplicate]

When I tried executing a SQL script, which was of 500MB approx. Management Studio throws an error Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program My system memory is 8GB and only 3GB ...
l.lijith's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Variable inside another variable in SQLCMD mode

Trying to tidy up my SQL script with SQLCMD mode and I ran into an issue: :setvar db_suffix "some_suffix" :setvar some_db "some_db_$(db_suffix)" print 'some_db: $(some_db)' The output of that is: ...
user193130's user avatar
3 votes
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How to clone a table schema (including indices) in SQL Server?

Is there a command that will completely clone the schema of a table? This would include all constraints, foreign keys, and indices on the table. In SSMS the Script Table as | Create To menu command ...
Edmund's user avatar
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Batch altering profiles of users

I currently have a list of databases where the profiles of users are out of date. A lot are listed under default where we want them to be either USR_PROFILE or DBA_PROFILE. I have a list of all the ...
OllyhatesFYP's user avatar
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Bundle SQL scripts for Oracle

I have bunch of sql-scripts used to create various tables, procedures, functions and views. Everything is in separate files; is there a good way to bundle these and run each file in a specific order? ...
bjelleklang's user avatar
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Access Send Email. Loop Not Building Table

I’m stumped on this one. I have an action item list on a fairly large Project Management DB. This list is datasheet that is embedded as a subform on a PopUp form from the Main Menu. On the Action Item ...
AdamB's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the point of the Script Date in a stored procedure script generated by SSMS?

When I generate a stored procedure script, SSMS additionally generates a comment containing the name of the object and a Script Date timestamp: The timestamp is just the current time at the moment ...
jtkaufman's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Use sp_Blitz to gather information on all servers in a centralized server/database

I am using sp_Blitz, and want to use it to execute the checks on all of my SQL Servers and have it write the results to a single table. Do I need to create linked servers on the central instance to ...
SQL_Hacker's user avatar
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Insert script adds N before each varchar data

I exported results from a query in order to import it into a table on another DB. I chose the xlsx output format and verified that the data had gotten written to the excel file. While trying to import ...
dreadnought303's user avatar
-2 votes
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Generate testing data with PL/SQL

I need to fill a partitioned table with 100 000 of records generated by PL/SQL. I am thinking about creating a procedure with a loop that will iterate 100000 times. To generate the strings I want to ...
kozlone's user avatar
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3 answers

Use psql --set variable in a function

I want to create a script that will create some custom named schema and within it some tables and functions. Like this: The file: #!/bin/bash # this is the only place I want to set the ...
kbkb's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't read password from config using --defaults-extra-file in MySQL

I am trying to backup all databases automatically using a batch script. The password is read from a config file called config.cnf. Below is the batch script: @echo off C:\MySQL\bin\mysqldump.exe --...
synthesis's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

My SSMS is bringing wrong object in "Script Stored Procedure as" > "CREATE To" > "New Query Editor Window"

When I go to Object Explorer and expand down to Stored Procedures (or Tables), right-click on one of them and choose "Script Stored Procedure / Table as" > "CREATE To" > "New Query Editor Window", it ...
Alexandre's user avatar
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2 answers

SQL 2005 find duplicate indexes

I've created the following script to pull up duplicate indexes on my DB but I need to find a way to implement it across all the databases on the SQL server - any suggestions?` with indexcols as ( ...
Daniel's user avatar
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I always was used following header in files that defined database in MySql: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS base; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS base; USE base; In PostgreSQL there are the following ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How to investigate non-specific Generate and Publish Scripts Wizard errors

I am trying to use the Generate and Publish Scripts wizard in SSMS 2012 against a 2012 SQL instance and am getting errors. Trying to generate a schema-only script of the tables and schemas. I allowed ...
IanG's user avatar
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2 answers

Syntax check for creating logins in different SQL versions

We are trying to write a script to do the following task: Create a new login and grant datareader to the master database on all SQL Server 2012 and 2014. The script we have did what we want but for ...
DBAle's user avatar
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ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified

I am running a script that "creates/replaces" a procedure in a database and then runs the procedure. The code is as below: WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT UNDEFINE g_cust_pwd UNDEFINE g_db_name SPOOL '...
Matt Holeman's user avatar
3 votes
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execute R script using a postgresql trigger:

This is my first question here, so excuse me if it does not look well organized: I want to call a R script from a trigger (postgresql) so this script will be executed after an INSERT on my table (...
AIA's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is this way of MySQL shutdown via bat file sufficient to minimise corruption?

I had memory issues with using 32bit Xampp so I have installed 64bit components myself as a new server. Although, I want to make sure I am stopping the MySQL database server properly. Is this a ...
Gary Carlyle Cook's user avatar
1 vote
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MySQL root login email notification

Is there a script that I can run to get an email when someone else other than me logs in as root? I'm new to MySQL. These are my contents of my.cnf: [mysqld] *Remove leading # and set to the amount ...
sairavula's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

SQL 2012: Executed generated DB script in SQL 2008 R2

I generated a script (using the wizard from SSMS 2012) to produce a SQL 2008 R2 compatible database script. I ran this script in a SSMS 2008 R2 instance and i got a bunch (30) of these possibly "...
Raidenlee's user avatar
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How can I optimize/make safe a script that deletes lots of data?

I'm in the process of trying to develop a script that has to delete accidentally duplicated data (due to a bug in some code), from a client's production database. It's quite a lot of data that I need ...
Rebecca's user avatar
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2 answers

Compile a PLSQL package code that was passed to an sqlplus session via a shell script?

I have two files: (1) and (2) (1) A Shell script - #!/bin/sh echo "start of shell script" FILE_NAME="XX_PKGb.sql" sqlplus user/password @sql_deploy.sql $FILE_NAME echo "end of shell ...
user avatar
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Loop a script for all DBs in SQL Server

I am trying to run Kendra's script for all DBs but running into issues.I have tried below. DECLARE @SQLCmd VARCHAR(...
SQLPRODDBA's user avatar
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SQL Server and Network considerations to transfer backup file to a shared folder

I'm facing with a situation where backups are being transferred manually to a Shared Folder and my goal is to optimize all of this. What I have to deal with is: 8 Windows 2008 R2 Servers 2 Windows ...
BlackStar's user avatar
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how to execute unix commands within nzsql?

I'm converting a script from Teradata to Netezza, and I'm stuck at the portion where BTEQ uses the functionality of the OS to check if a file contains any data. If it does, it is deleted. I want to ...
gurvinder's user avatar
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Oracle csv line size more than 32767

How to generate csv in oracle if it's query result return more than 32767 character per line in linux shell script
Sunil Kumar's user avatar
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PostgreSQL - cannot create RULE from stored procedure

I'm trying to automate boring database work. I would like to have one function which creates views, rules, etc so I don't need to run corresponding SQL queries from file. Currently I faced an issue ...
flaz14's user avatar
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6 votes
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Grant sysadmin permissions to 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'

For SQL Server 2012 and above, as What's New in SQL Server Installation states: BUILTIN\administrators and Local System (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) are not automatically provisioned in the sysadmin fixed ...
mosg's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Why does SQL Server Management Studio not script indexes by default?

Recently I realized by default, scripting the database does not including indexes, and I have to change the option every time. Could anyone please explain the reason? Is there any insight about this ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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sp_configure: Preserve values of 'xp_cmdshell' and 'Show Advanced Options'

I dont want to disturb the server values of xp_CMDShell & Show Advanced options. The criteria is to use SQL to run a batch file. This is the script i am trying to solve it with: DECLARE @...
Froxer's user avatar
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Powershell: Does System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter usange in powershell need some ADO.Net installation?

In PowerShell, goal is to query some data from Sql Server and put that into a preformatted Excel file. Towards that, the following PowerShell script snippet, throws an error saying "assemblies are ...
ToC's user avatar
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How do I create an automated SQL Server restore script for multiple backups? [duplicate]

I basically have 6 daily SQL Server backups (.bak) that need a restore everyday. I want to automate this process by having the SQL Agent run the script daily. I have the following restore script ...
Yen K's user avatar
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2 answers

oracle rman connecting to a database in not mount state

When connected to oracle database through rman directly from the terminal, everything works fine, but when the same connection string is executed through a shell script rman connects to the database ...
Prashanth Kumar B's user avatar

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